Chapter Two

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"She wants to celebrate, Jasper!" I exclaimed, pacing yet another line along the floor in front of the sofa Jasper was sitting on. At this point, he was leaning back, head resting on the back of the couch, eyes closed, hands clasped, nodding to my words. I had only said the same thing about a hundred times already. "Why does she want to celebrate? What happened to my mom? She wouldn't want me to go away like this, especially since my accident and already losing her son. This isn't like her!"

Jasper sighed deeply, he was finally ready to talk it seemed. "Sades, your mom knows you're capable of taking care of yourself. And she knows I'll take care of you. As much as she wants to keep you close, there's nothing wrong with her wanting you to chase your dreams. She knows you've worked hard for your career, knows how badly you want this. It's only right that she gives you her blessing on this."

Maybe he had a point. A good point. It still didn't feel real to me though. She'd always been protective, even more so when Blaine passed, and again when I moved into my own apartment. I had noticed she'd relaxed slightly when Jasper came back and moved in with me. I had someone to watch over me, keep me safe when she wasn't able to. She'd always worry, just, now, she'd only worry a little less. I could live with that.

Jasper reached for my hand, stroking my knuckles when he held it within his. I sank onto the couch next to him, giving the floor a rest from my relentless pacing for no reason.

Today had been quite a day. I'd already had to endure a lot. News of a potential job offer, relocating, transferring to online classes, talking to my fiancé and parents about said job offer and relocation. All that in one day takes a toll on a person, I was ready for the day to be done and I still had dinner with my parents to look forward to. I wondered if Carly would be there.

My head rested on Jasper's shoulder. "It's just a dinner with your parents, Sades, it's not a big deal."

"That's not what I'm moping about." Now.

"The job offer then?"

I only nodded in response. No matter how hard I tried there would be no words I could come up with at the moment to describe what I was currently feeling. There was just too much going on. I was thankful Jasper wasn't pressing me to talk about it, he just understood that I was still processing it.

"I'm going to accept it."

He laughed as he pressed a kiss to the top of my head. "I knew you would. Let's have dinner, then tomorrow I'm sure you'll get more details about the relocation and whatnot, and then we'll start packing."

"What a to-do list." I giggled.

"I'm sure we can pull it off."

I had no choice but to agree with him on that. Together, we'd get through anything. We'd already proven that more than once. We were ready for our lives ahead.


"Stop acting so surprised, Sadie." My mother tells me that night. She'd cooked the meal herself even, another shock to me from her. Normally it was my dad that did all the cooking. "You've worked so hard for this; you continue to work hard for this. Am I happy you'll be living in another state far from me?" she shook her head once. "No, I'm not. But it's not my life, it's yours. I've had to come to grips with myself on that front. You have to make your own choices, Sadie, and this is one I know you'll be taking; you have to. Your father, Carly and myself will be supporting you every step of the way with whatever decision you end up making."

"I'm sorry." I say, putting my hands up in mock defense. "I'm just not used to it. You sending me away essentially. Thought you'd lock me up to stay here."

It Will Always Be Us (Always #2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant