Chapter Six

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When Jasper woke the next morning he found me leaning against the bed frame facing the window. Warm sunlight now washed over me instead of the starry night, though I felt no difference. I still felt tired, still felt like a zombie as I stood with his help.

He held me close, swaying back and forth for a moment. His soft hum filled my ears.

"When did you fall asleep?" He finally asked.

At first I thought about lying but knew at once that he'd see right though me, see the lie as it was. "It was after you that's for sure." Just because the last thing I remembered was sunlight out the window wasn't important at the moment. Jasper didn't need to know that portion though he'd probably figure it out.

"Sades!" I could hear the disappointment in his tone. "You're putting too much stress on yourself. You need to relax."

That was easier said than done and he knew it.

"If I could, I would. You know that, Jas."

He sighed knowingly. "I do."

With the job promotion and the moving and the engagement, the stress wouldn't be leaving me anytime soon. I hoped it would soon though cause if it didn't, I wouldn't have any hair left on my head by the time I walked down the aisle. Whenever that was.

He didn't say anything as he helped me get into the shower and into clean clothes before heading down to the lobby.

My parents were already waiting for us. My father was eating a bagel while holding an uneaten on in his other hand. He smiled a tight smile as he swallowed, holding both bagels up. My mother rolled her eyes though she still smiled at his antics.

"He said he was hungry this morning and wanted to be prepared before he had to drive anymore. He's really proud of himself for some reason."

Jasper laughed before nudging me. "Should we get bagels for ourselves?"

I nudged him back. "You just wanna be friends with my dad, or at least stay on his good side. No encouraging him, Jas."

Jasper shrugged and headed to the breakfast counter.

"Get me a strawberry!" I shouted.

He waved a hand behind him as if to say he already knew.

My mother hugged me, I leaned into her, who knew when I'd be able to after this trip was done. I was going to have to take advantage of what I could get.

"You're lucky you got one that knows you so well that he already knows what you want without you having to say it."

I really was lucky. I didn't deserve Jasper. That was a fact, anyone would be able to see. Anyone but him, he thought that he didn't deserve me. Guess that's what happens when two people are in love, they will always think the other person deserves someone better, someone who isn't them.

"I know, he's a one of a kind." I twisted the engagement ring on my finger. "And he's all mine."

My mother kissed my cheek as she rejoined my father, just as Jasper came back to me with a bagel  in his hand. He was grinning at me.

It Will Always Be Us (Always #2)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя