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Have you ever woken up from a dream or lack there of and just been sleepy? Yeah, Angels and Devils do too. Like, I sleep because I'm tired, I want to rest, not wake up even more sleepy than I was before, but oh well.

Days have passed since the three of us got off the hook, and I completely cut Raf out of my, very small, social circle. Because of my predicament, I was assigned a new earthly one, and my rival is Miki. She's a repeat student apparently, and she isn't even that difficult to beat, it's so boring.

Being a devil isn't as hard as I thought, like, people are so easily influenced just by implanting suggestions. The poor earthly ones might end up dying off if we devils do our jobs without being lazy.

Sometimes, Urie, Sweet, and Miki talk to me like we're friends or something, which is kind of funny because if it wasn't for Raf, I wouldn't have noticed any of them in the first place.

I'm at this point in my life where sleep is just about the only thing that makes sense, well, I guess it made more sense when I didn't wake up still sleepy, but whatever.

Raf and Sulfus got assigned to Andrew, now here I am mingling with the early ones again and just pretending to be awake. Is this want being undead feels like? Kinda drowsy but knowing you can't go back to sleep just yet... Eh, I miss taking naps.

I'm apart of the devil's enemies, basically they call me when they need assistance beating the angels and it's usually a painfully easy task, until we get some speech about how that earthly one could potentially die or whatever, then we feel all guilty and help the angels keep our earthly one alive.

Any bad thing is fine, I mean, as long as they don't die. Humans are so fragile it's scary. And angels are so naive it's ridiculous.

I think that, because I used to be one, Miki thought I would take her side in some instances regarding our earthly one, so her disappointment in me is immeasurable. Even as an angel I had no problem lying, and letting the earthly ones take the consequences for their actions, I don't know why they thought I'd be any better as a devil.

I can say this, I'm not a perfect devil in any way, but I think I might be better like this.

Talking with the angels, with Miki telling me everything that happens to Andrew and how Raf basically tried to guilt trip Sulfus using my name, it always just a pain in the horns.

I'm so sleepy all the time, I wonder why. Between hanging out with Jace, being a devil and having awkward talks with Sulfus, I'm not really doing much. Maybe it's just a teenager thing.

A True Devilish Angel, Maybe Angelic Devil (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now