An Illusion

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I spent the day in my new room, one all to myself, setting up everything the way I wanted it to be. I mean, I still don't have a lot, but that's not reason not to be organized.

I throw out everything those angels gave me, well, almost everything.

"They just want to help their friend... Maybe I was too harsh. I need to calm down, what do you think, Kilin?"

The griffin shrugs, 'You just do you, and be careful.'

I smile at him. "You're precious, you know that?"

He coos and makes himself comfortable on my bed, and then we heard a knock at the door.

I ignored it at first, but after the third time the person knocked, I sucked it up and called out, "what!"
I heard a sigh from the other side, then, one of the last voices I wanted to hear right now.

"It's Sulfus. I just want to talk, an- I mean... Oh devil."

I look at Kilin, and he looks at me. We stare at each other for a while, then Kilin went to open the door.

"Huh,.didn't think you'd want to see my face."

"I don't want to see your face, I'm tempted to send you flying into next week. What do you want, devil." I glared at him and he just casually walked into my room like it was no big deal.

Sulfus takes a deep breath, then let's it all out, "Look, I know what happened did not look good, but I can explain."

I rolled my eyes. "What is there to explain? Anyway, I'm not upset over it. After it happened, I felt nothing for you, and I still feel nothing for you."

"Yeah but you were mad and now you're a devil, and the devils won't stop bugging me until I tell you my side of what happened. I don't want you to go around thinking I'm that kind of devil." He took one of my desk chairs and sat in it. "So, hear me out."

Kilin and I look at each other, sighing, "Fine. What happened."

Sulfus rubs the back of his neck, like he's nervous or something and thinking about how he should say what he wants to say. "I only kissed Raf because I thought she was you."

"That's bull-"

"It's the truth. You don't have to believe me, in fact, just read my mind. You'll see. If I'm lying..." He trialed off.

I tap my foot on the floor, "Of you're lying, you can never come near me again, devil's honor."

Sulfus nods. "Devil's honor."

"Change fly: Mind link." My wings have me the power of telepathy once more and connected Sulfus and I. Like this, we can see each other's thoughts and memories, just like in the Caves of Obscurity. 

"Think about it, Sulfus. Show me what happened."

Sulfus Pov

Back in the forest, when Elos was falling I went after her immediately, but she disappeared before I even got close. For some reason, she was behind me, and I confronted her about what happened.

"Elos! What was that, you had me worried!"

Elos waved me off, which didn't even seem weird for some reason, it was just like one of her moods. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. That's hard to believe when you're so worried about yourself."

My chest hurt from that, and I started getting irritated. "What is that supposed to mean."

"What does it mean? You are barely respecting my boundaries and keep trying to coax me into kissing you when you know why I don't want it to happen!"

"WHAT!? You're the one who's leading me on, constantly saying you need to research, you need to study, and saying I make you feel safe- what the devil is with you, Elos!" I knew this was weird, something was off, but I didn't care, I was mad.

Elos slapped me right across the face, it took me by surprise. "I'm not committed? I'm trying harder than you are to make this work!"

I slapped her back out of anger, but I immediately regretted it and tried to apologise. "I'm so sorry, Elos. Let's just talk abou-"

"You.... How dare you touch me, devil!"

Elos was absolutely deviled off, so much so that her new power turned out to be flames, devil's fire to be exact, and she attacked me.

I tried to dodge as much as possible, but of course I got irritated and used my body fly to attack her, but I never meant to hurt her like I did. When she hit the ground, I thought she died and I was desperate to heal her.

"Elos... Elos please... Please you have to wake up! I'm so sorry....." I held her close, tears running down my face. "Elos you have to be okay...."

I was so desperate, the new power I unlocked was the ability to heal. When she opened her eyes I was the happiest I've ever been in all my flashes.

Looking into her lavender eyes in that moment made me understand how she felt when I came to her in the hallway back at the school. That comforting feeling I thought could never experience.

She kissed me first, and of course I thought she was Elos and kissed her back.

When I thought she was Elos, it was amazing, but the second I pulled away and saw those blue eyes, I was disgusted.

I would take it back if I could, but after the kiss, the only thing I felt was disgust towards Raf, and slightly ashamed because of what happened.

Someone made an illusion, and I fell for it.


"Change fly: Cancel. I've seen enough." I took a deep breath, rubbing my temples, "...An illusion... Who could do that... Why would..."

Sulfus folds his arms. "I told you, it wasn't our fault."

"Yeah yeah... I got that, now get out."

Sulfus got out of the chair and left the room without another word.

I stayed with Kilin to sort my thoughts, but the main one being, "What the devil happened to Raf then..."

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