Angelic Star

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Sometimes, we want to believe that our lives are out of our control. That is the case in some cases, but most of it is our choice.

The world isn't in black and white, and it's very hard to kill old habits, but, at the end of the day, can we really blame ourselves for all our mistakes?

We decide everything we do based on out teachings growing up, our positive and negative influences. Every reaction to something is the result of living and learning.

I don't believe in fate, I don't believe in destiny, but I do believe that life is nothing but a puzzle of choices, and winding roads that can leave you messy and scattered all over the place. And I also believe no one should go through it alone.

I spent enough time alone. Believing that my loneliness was all my doing, when no one gave me a chance to be a friend. No one but that one angel, and for that, I am thankful. Now my life, and the lives of all angels and devils rest on my shoulders. And I can only hope that they will forgive me, just as I have forgiven them.


I can only teleport so far, so I need to fly the rest of the way to the Golden school, where both the Angels and Devils were waiting for me, one devil in particular locking eyes with me as soon as I turned the corner.

"El! You're back! Are you alright?" Sulfus flew around me, just as worried as he usually is about me.

I hold the key out for him to see, then tuck it into my pocket. "Sulfus, I'm fine, and Reina is literally on my wings right now so-"

"You insect! Give me back my key!"

Sighing, I duck behind the Angels and Devils while they surrounded Reina. I'm not much of a fighter. If we were talking video game terms, I would be a support character. The only ability I have that can actually inflict pain that isn't psychological is Change fly, and that's just copying someone else's power.

The professors and I watch them fight, with me covering Reina in a dark mist that makes it hard for her to see. The others do most of the planning while I'm simply playing a game of keep away with the key. Even if Reina is weakened a bit, it's still difficult to beat her.

Professor Arkan and Temptel had the idea for us angels and devils to use the power of the Prism Fly, an ability that most angels and devils grow over the course of their lives. All of us have an essence, a color that resonates with our very existence that grows as we do, as celestials. Everyone has one, except Raf, who was born a human.

My color is, as I would have guessed, black, darker than my wings and halo. Unfitting for an angel, but very fitting for me as a person. Arkan explained it as, "There can be no light without darkness, nor can darkness be darkness without the light."

I don't know how true that statement is, but as a concept, it is believable. In this situation, the only think I can do is amplify my friends' prism fly, and hope that I don't mess it up somehow.

Reina disappeared at some point, and something didn't sit right with us. My sixth sense goes off like an alarm and I know I have to do something, just not what I need to do. Something is coming, and I think I know exactly what it is.

I wrack my brain for a time when I felt this same sense of unease, then it hit me. "The ferox.... And there are thousands coming this way..."

"Thousands?" Professor Temptel clicked her teeth. "If I'm not mistaken, your power works well on them, how would you fair in this situation, Elos?'

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