Part 12

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Shoto PoV

After the attack we got back to UA. Luckily no-one had bad injuries so everyone who was injured could go to recovery girl. No-one had to go into the hospital. Well the league retreated pretty fast. The fight only last for 30 minuites. What was all of that about? Well we assume they wanted to shock us by showing us what they did to Midoriya.

It's now 8.30 pm, so I only have 30 minuites left 'till my meeting with Dabi. We got back to the dorms after everyone was treated. Now I need to get out, without anyone noticing. I put on some sport clothes and get out of my door.

"Where are you going?" I was closing my door and didn't notice that Bakugou was standing right next to me until he started to speak.

"I wanna go and jogging a little. Wanna get my head free." I hope he takes it. I don't have much time left. It took some time 'till Aizawa let us go back to the dorms.

"Ok, if you want you can come to my dorm once you're finish."

"Thanks, but isn't it time for you to go to sleep?"

"Well I already tried but I think I'm not able to sleep much tonight. Maybe it helps talking to someone about today and since you're the only one who has faith in Deku it would be nice if we could talk." Bakugou looks away to hide the little blush he got. He never was this nice to me nor anybody at all. He is obviously embarassed to ask me this.

I chuckle a bit. "Sure I'll come over when I get back, but I really should go now before it's getting to late."

"Sure see ya later Icy-hot." Bakugou goes back to his room and I hurry outside.

Damn it it's already 8.45pm the talk with Bakugou took longer than I tought. I start running and sneak out of school grounds and run to the place Dabi wrote on the little note. I really hope it's not a trap. I need to know what's going on so I don't care if it's one.

I reach a small river and get under a bridge. As soon as I reached the bridge Dabi comes out of the shadows.

"So you came Shoto."

"Yeah, sorry I'm a bit late. It took some time to get treatment after your attack. By the way why are you calling me Shoto?"

"Well.... It's your hero name isn't it? And don't worry about the time, I already thougt you need a bit longer, but I noticed after we got back to our hideout."

"Right. But you didn't want to make small talk with me. What is going on with Midoriya?"

" Well how should I start?" After some time of thinking, which felt like hours, he starts to speak again.

"Two weeks ago I found Deku right here under this bridge. He fell asleep and man he's lucky he didn't get killed. A lot of criminals walk by here. Well I woke him up and after he told me what happend at UA, I told him how this picture was taken. The kid never was the UA traitor."

"Well it seems like now he is." Even though I don't want to believe it, a part of my heart hurts when I say this. I look at the river while listening to him, I don't want to show Dabi my light sad expression. I don't really show emotions, but now I feel so sad I think you can see it in my face. I don't want a villain to notice.

"He's not. And probably never will. Shigaraki used some drugs on him. First just so he feels betrayed from you and well it worked pretty well. He went to UA and he must have eavesdrop a conversation of your class and it seems like it went into Shigarakis plans. After that he wanted to join us. But Shigaraki wanted to experiment on him, so now he doesn't remember any of you. ..... Listen I know it sounds strange but I care for this kid and I want him to go back to UA and his friends."

"Why? Why do you care for him? You brought him to the league in the first place."

He looks at me and has a light sad expression. "He reminds me very much of my little brother as he was a child. I know I got him into this, but I just wanted to give him a shelter. He catched a cold and I didn't want it to get worse. I originally promised him that we won't do anymore experiments on him, but I failed. I couldn't say anything to convince Shigi not to do it. I'm sorry, I really am. I want him to be save again. You'll need some time to get him back to normal, well if he ever will be normal again."

"I have to admit, I still don't understand you completely but I appreciate the help, so thanks."

"Don't get used to it little hero. This is the only time I'm helping you and nobody is allowed to know."

"Sure...." Should I try it? I have a theorie, but... ah f*ck it I'll just do it. "...Touya."

"No prob. lil bro...... Wait! What... I mean-...."

"So you really are my brother Touya. I thought about it for a while. Don't worry I won't tell anyone."

"Thanks. Sorry I can't tell you anything. It's nice seeing you again Sho." He smiles and I do the same.

"Yeah you don't have to tell me anything, nice to see you again too."

"Hey Dabi you wanted me to come..... Oh what is the hero doing here?" Suddenly Midoriya came aroun the bridge and walks towards us.

"Hey Deku, I'm sorry but you should go back."

"What do you mean Dabi?"

"The league was experimenting on you with drugs. Because of them you forgot your friends and well lost some of your sanity. You need to go back. Sorry about what comes next."

"What do you-...." Dabi knockes Midoriya out with a hit on the back of his neck. Didn't know this actually works. He picks him up and hands him over to me.

"Take care of him and be carefull, I mean it when I said he lost some sanity. You will notice once you'll around him for a while. See ya, but next time we'll be enemys again" With this he dissapears in the Shadows.

It's sad thining about it, next time I have to fight my brother. I take Midoriya and go back to UA. I will get a lot of trouble for leaving school grounds, but at least we got him back.

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