Part 1

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It was 6 o'clock when my clock rang. I stood up, brush my teeth, get dressed in my school uniform and done everything else you normally do in the morning.

My name ist Izuku Midoriya and I go to UA High, a school that trains us to become heroes. We were attacked by Villains twice now, first at the USJ and second at our training Camp, because of that we all now live in a dorm System at the schools grounds. It's unbelivable but it's been only 6 Months since the scholl year started. So much happend. Today is my 16th birthday, I wonder if the others remember my birthday.

I finished getting ready for school and wanted to left my dorm room as I got a call. I got my phone and checked the ID, it's my mom. I pick up with the words: " Hi Mom." " Good morning and happy birthday honey." "Thanks mom" "If you can manage I would like you to come over after school. I've got a present for you." "Thanks mom, but you didn't have to get me anything. I'll ask Mr. Aizawa later if I am allowed to come over after school. I'm sorry but I have to leave now." "Sure honey text me when you got permission or if you don't get it." "OK bye mom, love you." "Bye honey love you too." I hang up and go downstairs into the kitchen.

"Good Morning Deku-kun", Uraraka greet me as I walk into the kitchen. Uraraka-chan is one of my best friends here at school. "Good morning Uraraka-chan", I greet back. It's kinda strange thinking about it. Only half a year ago I hated the name Deku. My best friend since kindergarden gave me this nickname, but as an insult. Now it's my hero name. I go and get some cornflakes for breakfast and start to eat. One after another the other students of my class join and start their breakfast. No-one said anything about my birthday, maybe they forgot. I don't want to bother them by telling it was my birthday. Seems like it goes to be a normal day like every day.

" Hey Midoriya did you learned for the test today?", Kaminari ask me. "Yeah I have, well I think I have learned." "What do you mean you 'think you learned' you should know if you did or not", IIda says. He is another one of my close friends. "Well I don't know how to explain this but I can't remember what I did this weekend. The last thing I remember was that I went to my mom on friday after school and came back yesterday evening." "That sounds really trange maybe you should go visit recovery girl." Iida says. "Yeah maybe after school. Look at the time we should get going or we'll be late." Everyone agrees and we went to school. Because of the dorm system it takes us less then 5 minuites to arrive at our classroom. Everyone was talking with each other, since we still had 5 minuites before the lesson starts.

"Hey Nerd." Kacchan said as he takes his seat in front of me. "Morning Kacchan.""Here." He says and puts a little bag on my desk. It's a plain bag, brown and looks like these paperbags some people use to take their breakfast to work or school. "Thanks but what is that and why?" "Shut up and open it.Happy birthday by the way." "Thank you." Seems like Kacchan is the only one who remembers, but we know each other since years. Like I said he is my best friend since Kindergarden. He used to bully me in middle school, because I was Quirkless. But a year ago I met All Might and he gave me his quirk. Kacchan was really angry as he first discoverd I had a quirk, but since he knows my secret with All Might, the secret about our quirk, he is much nicer to me.

Just as I start to open the bag Mr. Aizawa enters the room. Well I open it later at break. Then after Mr. Aizawa 2 Police officer enter the room and Mr Tsukauchi. Everyone was confused and start to whisper to each other. "Silence!! Stay in your seats we have something urgent to tell you. Mr. Tsukauchi would you start." Aizawa said and goes behind his table to give some space to Tsukauchi. " Well students, as you may know we investigate UA, because there has to be a traitor in this school." Mumbling starts around the students. " This weekend we found out who the traitor is. It is someone in this class. So Midoriya would you please follow us." Everyone locked at me with a shocked expression. Wait did he just say I am the traitor?!

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