Holiday Party

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"Dream, are you sure?" Sapnap asks Dream.

"Hell yeah! My parents said as long as I clean up the mess and it's winter break!" Dream smiles.

"You invited everyone?" Sapnap asks setting down a bag of alcohol.

Dream nods.

Three hours later everyone was arriving.

"Woah! Alcohol!?" Bad looked at Dream upset, "We're in high-school!"

"Pleeeeaassee Bad?" Dream begs.

Bad sighs, "Fine..."

Skeppy pours a cup of Whiskey and drinks it.

"SKEPPY!" Bad takes the cup.

"Aw man..." Skeppy pouts.

"...fine..." Bad gives him back the cup, "If any of us get in trouble for this, it's your fault Dream!"

Dream shrugs, "No one will tell the cops, right?"

Everyone nods and Bad nods with hesitation.

Mega POV:

Well. I stare at the alcohol. I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn. It was Zelk.

"Hey Mega! Are you going to drink?" Zelk asks me.

I shrug and hand him a cup.

"...I don't know if we should..." Zelk stares at the cup.

He drinks it.

"Why aren't kids aloud to drink this?" Zelk drinks another cup.

I smirk.

He hands me a cup. I shake my head since I don't know what would happen.

"C'mon, it's not that bad!" Zelk pulls down my bandana.

I stare at him.

I roll my eyes and drink the substance from the cup. I nearly spit it out from the taste. I swallow the alcohol.

"How was it?" Zelks asks.

I stumble towards him. I feel dizzy...

Finn POV:

"Spifey! Spifey!" I grab his arm.

Yeah, I'm a bit tipsy.

"What?" He asks.

"I think I'm tipsy!" I laugh- er, I guess giggle.

"I haven't had anything to drink yet." Spifey sighs.

I drink another cup, "I *hic* feel dizzy!"

"Did you hiccup?" Spifey smiles some.

I grab his face.

His face looks so cute...

Eret POV:

I sit down on the couch and relax. I didn't feel like breaking the law so I just had a cul of apple juice.

"Hey Eret." Fundy sits next to me.

I smile at him, "Hey."

He hands me a cup of something fruity.

"What is this?" I ask.

"I dunno, some kind of fruity smelling alcohol. It seems to have a little bit of alcohol though." Fundy drinks from his own cup.

I take a small sip from the cup.

"Mmmm! This good!" I drink the rest.

"I agree." Fundy nods.

"Do you think everyone won't be a vrigin anymore after tonight?" I ask and Fundy nearly spit out his drink.

"Well I can bet Spifey won't be a virgin anymore!" Fundy chuckles and placed his hand on mine.

I nod.

We have a weird friendship, me and Fundy.

"Erettt!" George messed-up my hair, I knew it was him from his high-pitched sounding voice.

"Yeah?" I look up at him.

"I need advice." He says with his hand still on my head.

"K." I stand up, "Bye Fundy."

Ant POV:

I arrive at Dream's house to see a broken window.

"Ant, are you sure this is going to be safe?" Red asks me.

"Maybe, if anything bad happens, I'll protect you. No matter the cost." I hold his hand and kiss him softly.

He blushes a little and nods, "I'll do the same for you, Anthony."

We walk in to see Dream and Sapnap yelling at each other.

Something along the lines of, "I'm more drunk than you! No me!"

I feel Red grip my hand tightly. I glance at him and smile.

"So Red, there is alcohol." I start to walk over to a bottle.

"Annnttt..." Red tries holding me back.

"I'm just going to try a bit of wine, nothing too big." I boop his nose.

"Annnnnnnnntttt!" He hugs my arm.

My heartt! He's so cuteeeeeeeeeee!!!

I pour myself a glass of wine and take a sip.

"Anty!!" He takes the cup away from me.

I pour another glass and drink it.

"Baaaadd!" Red calls and I realize what he's doing.

"Ant! Not you too!" Bad says.

I frown knowing it's a 2v1.

I set down the cup and cross my arms.

I think Bad walked away but Red hugs me.

"Anty, you know I only did that because I didn't want you to get in trouble or hurt, right?" Red cuddles my arm.

"I know. I did get a little taste though." I smirk.

Red kisses me.

"Me too." He responds.

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