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"Hah! What a LOSER!!"

The teenage boy kicks dirt in Wilbur's face.

"Leave me alone." Wilbur stands up shaking.

"What? Are you going to cry?" The bully smirked.

Wilbur shut up quickly and ran off.

"Hah, what a loser."

Wilbur ran inside the school and into the bathroom.

"Wh-why does this happen to me..?" Wilbur sobbed.

"Maybe because you really are a loser."

Wilbur looked at his reflection, "Leave me alone..!"

"You don't wanna hear the truth?"

"I-" Wilbur glared at the mirror with anger.


Wilbur looked at the broken mirror then to his red hands.

"What did I do..?" Wilbur mumbled.

"What happened in here!?" A teacher ran in the bathroom concerned.

"I-I-I..." Wilbur felt a tear fell down his eye.

Many more followed.

"Wilbur, go to the nurse. We can talk about this later." The teacher directed.

Wilbur nodded and walked to the nurse's office.

He was soon sent home.

"WHAT THE HELL WILBUR!?" His mom shouted.

Wilbur walked it his room while his mom yelled at him.

"You..." Wilbur opened his phone to the reflection.


"Stop..." Wilbur sobbed again only quieter, "When I see myself I"

"I am you."

"No!" Wilbur shakes his head.

"Wilbur. Look at my eyes."

Wilbur stares at the red glowing eyes.

"I am you."

Wilbur frowns and closes his phone.

"I'm so weak." Wilbur smiles while tears casually rolls down his cheeks.

He picks up his guitar strums it.

"Life isn't quite what I thought it'd be..." Wilbur sighs to himself.

He looks at his locked door and back at the guitar.

"I dunno why, but when I was a kid on VOIP, I thought when I'd get older..." Wilbur smiled as he started singing.

"I'd date her, I told her..." Wilbur smiles more but looks at his phone.

"Now I'm 17 and go to a high-school." Wilbur frowns.

"8 till 3, not the best, I'll be honest." Wilbur looks back at the guitar.

"Wilbur! Come out of your room!" Wilbur's mom knocks on his door.

"If I could change a single thing," Wilbur smiles.

"Wilbur!" His mom starts getting upset.

"I'd make it me to not exist!" Wilbur giggles, "How great is that, mum?"

"Wilbur!" His mom tries unlocking the door.


Wilbur frowns as his mom grabs his wrist and brings him to the kitchen.

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