Zombie Apocalypse

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George was so excited to finally see Dream and Sapnap. He was on the plane ride and was listening to music. After two hours he arrived.

"Gogy!!" Sapnap hugged the British boy.

"Sapnap?" George chuckled.

"Yeee!" Sapnap let go of George and smiled.

"Hey Georgie." Dream waves.

"Dream!!" George hugs Dream tightly.

"Aw, I love you too, Georgie." Dream hugs him back.

"Sapnap, how was your trip here?" George asks ignoring what Dream said.

"It was okay. Kinda boring to be honest." Sapnap shrugs.

"RUN!" a man yelled.

The three turned to see some sort of bleeding creature running at a medium pace.

"HOLY SHI-" Sapnap cuts himself off, "It's that a zombie???"

George stares at the being.

The zombie turns to look at George.

"AH! RUN!" George grabs Dream's hand and runs.

Sapnap follows behind them.

Dream starts the car. He drives back to his house.

"My parents are out of town, but 'Drista' is here." Dream explains.

"Clay, did you see the news?" Drista asks not caring the other two were there.

"No but I saw a disgusting creature run towards us." Dream chuckles.

George texts someone.


Did you see the news?
Are you okay?


Are you okay??

I'm at Skeppy's house and we were watching a movie

That's cute that you two were watching a movie together

You're being a muffinhead right now...

Stay safe

You too


George sighs.

"We need weapons." Drista said grabbing a baseball bat.

"Bad and Skeppy are safe." George says.

"What about a6d?" Sapnap asks worried.

"In France?" George says unsure.

Sapnap nods.

"Oh! I got a message from him." Sapnap read the text.

Why the fuck did I go to the US today??? Sapnap I'm inside a store. Help.

"A6d in not in France. He is in a store in the US." Sapnap sighs, "Can we help him?"

"What store?" Dream asks.


What store?

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