Come Over

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Intak sighs and pushes himself off his bed and head over to his hyungs place

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Intak sighs and pushes himself off his bed and head over to his hyungs place.

Jiung would ask at random times for the younger to come over. It was because he was bored or felt lonely.

Intak informs his parents before he heads out. Walking down the street and into Jiungs.

The boy didn't live far just a few streets behind Intaks house.

Their neighborhood had many two story houses. Lawns cut and kept nicely. A few kids playing tag, running around on their lawns or on the street.

Intak walks up the concrete steps and knocks twice on the door. Jiung was fast to open it and drag the younger inside.

Intak stumbling as he was dragged. Quickly taking off his shoes as Jiung kept dragging up into the house and up the stairs.

"Wa-wait! Let me say hi to your parents!" Intak exclaims as he was pushed inside the elders room.

Jiung sits on his bed and watches as Intak takes his hoodie off and about to turn on his heel.

"They're not home." He spoke before the other could leave.

Intak nods and places his jacket on Jiungs desk chair.

Jiungs parents were hardly at home. Working double shifts at the hospital. Leaving their son home alone.

They left money or brought groceries for Jiung to cook something.

"That's why you wanted me over." Intak says and lays on Jiungs bed.

The elder laying down next to him. A small smile on his face as he turns his head to look at Intak.

"I love your company." He says.

"You love to annoy me." Intak retorts back as he looks at Jiung.

The other boy laughing. The pink bubble gum on one side of his mouth, bite marks all over it.

"I don't. You just think I'm annoying you." Jiung gets up from the bed and to his desk, sitting on the chair and pulling out his textbooks.

"I also need help on the homework." He admits.

Intak rolls his eyes and slumps further onto the bed. His cheek pressed against Jiungs pillow.

"Of course you do." He mumbles out.

"I'll cook dinner." Jiung offers, a pleading face coming into play.

Intak sighs and sits up.

They finished Jiungs homework. With a constant bickering between the two as Jiung would chew and blow the bubble.

Intak popping it and cringing at the feel on his finger.

"You need to learn to stop popping it with your finger if you hate gum so much." Jiung laughs out as they clean up their papers and books.

"And you need to learn to stop chewing gum." Intak retorts back annoyed.

Jiung just hums and then takes Intaks hand into his. Pulling him out of the room and down to the kitchen.

He lets go of the boys hand and opens the fridge. Eyes scanning as he chews his gum.

"What would you like to have?" Jiung asks and looks at Intak with his fridge still open.

The light illuminating his face more. Making him look prettier than ever before. Intak felt his stomach flutter.

He's just hungry. He thought to himself.

"What do you have?" He asks and peeks over to look inside the fridge.

It was practically empty. A few vegetables in the drawers. Cheese in a container. Hot sauce next to the cheese. Drinks laying on its side. Left over pasta that was enough to feed only one.

"Not much." Jiung shrugs slightly. Embarrassed that he's friend had to see how empty his fridge is.

Intak hums and closes it. Looking at Jiung.

"Take out?"

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