Blueberry Gum

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The next day after school, all 6 boys went to Jongseob house to hang out. Playing video games or reading a book.

"What flavor is that?" Soul asks pointing to the new pack of gum Jiung had.

The elder reading the label. "Blueberry. Want one?"

Soul nods, curious of the new flavor.

"Ooh, let me have one too." Keeho says and extends a hand out, eyes focusing on the screen as he plays a video game with Jongseob.

Jiung places one in the palm of his hand. The older thanking him and going back to the game.

Jiung handing one to Theo and Jongseob. And then turning to Intak.

"Would you like one?" Jiung asks.

Intak shakes his head, not looking at the boy as he reads his book.

"No thanks."

"Why bother offering if you know his answer?" Jongseob spoke as he smashes the buttons on the controller.

"Because I'm a kind hyung and like to offer to him." Jiung answers and sticks the gum into his mouth.

"Argh! I hate this game!" Keeho yells and tossed the controller to the side.

"You just suck at it." Theo says and grabs the control as it was his turn to play.

"YoU jUsT sUcK aT iT, bite me." Keeho mimics Theo's voice and chews on the gum.

"I bet he does." Jongseob laughs out.

"I hate it here." Intak groans at the awful joke. He shuts the book close and sits up from Jongseobs bed.

"No you don't. You love it here." Soul says and chews the gum.

Everyone else doing so as well. The room now having a faint blueberry smell.

Jiung, like always, blowing a bubble and popping it. His tongue gather the deflated gum and chew once again.

"This flavor isn't so bad." Jiung comments as he chews.

The other boys agreeing.

"Your turn Jiung." Theo says as he loses to Jongseob.

Jiung happily takes the controller and they start the fighting game.

The character selection popping up on the screen. The soundtrack for it playing softly from the tv speakers.

Theo sits next to Intak and takes the book from the youngers hand. Reading the cover.

"Greek Mythology?" He asks and shows the book to the younger.

Intak grabs it back, "Jongseob has good taste."

"That's cheating!" The purple haired boy says and his fingers start pressing many different combos.

Jiung seemed relaxed. A smile on his face as he chews his gum. Eyes glued to the screen. Fingers calmly pressing the buttons.

"It's not cheating. It's called combos." Jiung answers before blowing a bubble.

"I hate that gum." Intak mumbles, glaring at the blue latex. Theo lets out a small chuckle and places an arm around his shoulder.

"You'll come to love it sooner or later."

"Never." Intak answers.

But one should never say never.

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