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A/N the fighting game they're playing is Mortal Kombat
"No no no ! Up then down! Okay okay! X and triangle." Jiung shouts out a combo pattern for Intak.

The boy using it and hitting Sub-Zero, Jongseobs character. The health bar going low.

"Yes!" Intak cheers out as he continues to push buttons and hitting the character.

Jongseob smashing his buttons as he tries to escape the hits.

"This isn't fair! Jiung hyungs helping you!" He exclaims.

"Press up then left! Triangle and square." Soul instructs as he tries to help his poor boyfriend.

Soon the room was full of cheers as Intaks character, Scorpion, made the last move and finished off Sub-Zero.

"Yes!" Intak cheers as he throws his arms up and cheers.

"You did it!" Jiung exclaims as he tackles the boy with a back hug.

Intaks heart fluttering.

"I take back about this being an easy win." Jongseob mumbles.

Intak pats his shoulder as Jiung lets go of him.

"Good game though." Intak says as he extends a hand out. The younger shaking it with a smile.

"That was such an intense game!" Keeho exclaims.

"I honestly thought Jongseob would've win since he won the first round." Theo admits.

"I knew Intak was going to win!" Jiung exclaims as he grabs the controller from the purple headed boy and sitting next to Intak.

"But I know for sure that I'll win this one." He says as he smirks at Intak.

His voice still raspy and sick. The honey lemon drops emitting out with every word he says.

Intak chuckles. "No way you can defeat Scorpion."

"With Raiden as my character I can." Jiung says smugly as they enter the character selection.

Intak playing as Scorpion again and Jiung picking Raiden.

The youngest picking the map and then the game starts to load.

"I place my bets on Intak." Jongseob says.

"Same here!" Keeho says as he moves on the bed to sit behind Intak and beside Jongseob.

"Well it's just you and me betting on Jiung." Theo says to Soul.

"Hey! You make it sound like it's a bad thing." Jiung points out.

Theo shrugs. "Isn't it?"

Soul quietly laughing at the comment.

The game finishes loading up and the cut scene being played.

"Don't care!" Jiung shouts as he starts pressing buttons to skip it.

Soon the deep voice of the game comes out and starts the round.

Intak moving his joystick to get closer to Jiungs character.

Pressing different combinations to make Raidens health bar low.

"No no no! Get away!" Jiung shouts as he manages to escape for Scorpions hold.

Intak doing the famous combo of 'Get Over Here.'

Scorpions spear head chain flying to Raiden and pulling him close. Intak doing many hits.

Jiung yelling and trying to get away again.

"Yeah! Go Intak!" Keeho and Jongseob cheer out.

"Some good motivation will be helpful!" Jiung shouts.

"Huh? Oh uh, go go Jiung go." Theo says in an unenthusiastic tone.

"You can do it Jiung hyung!" Soul cheers in a better tone.

The round soon finishes and Intak takes the win.

The three boys celebrating.

"It's not over yet!" Jiung says as the second round starts.

Raiden throwing his hat, the blades coming out and cutting through Scorpion.

"Of course you would use that move!" Intak shouts as he teleports behind Raiden.

They continue the second round. It finished much faster then the first.

"Beat that!" Intak shouts as he jumps up and starts dancing. Keeho and Jongseob joining in.

"Sorry for you L." Theo says as he holds his hand to his forehead, fingers shaped into an 'L'.

"It's okay hyung! You'll get him next time." Soul tries to comfort the boy.

Jiung nodding and looking over to the three who were cheering and laughing. Dancing around and hugging one another as they start to jump around in a circle.

Jiung couldn't help but smile as he watches Intak. How pretty he looked. His adorable smile shining brightly as his laugh echoes.

Jiung felt his heart flutter more.

How he longed for his best friend. And how much it hurt him that it will never happen.

But like always. One shouldn't say never.

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