When Missions Go Wrong (but end right)

Start from the beginning

    “C’mon. Let’s go back to the tower.”

    “M’kay. But can you give me a piggyback ride?”

    Steve looked at Peter. “Wha-Why?”

    “I’m tired and can’t fully guarantee that I won’t fall on my face from the dizzy.”

    Steve nodded slowly, mouthing, right, the dizzy, to himself, before turning and getting on his knees so Peter could climb on easily. Peter giggled to himself and got on Steve’s back, wrapping his arms around his neck and his legs on his waist. Steve stood and, after making sure Peter wouldn’t fall, started towards the tower. The fight had literally been down the block, so Steve was able to walk there and back.

    Even though it took less than five minutes, Peter was asleep by the time they got to the med-bay. Steve would have freaked out if it weren’t for the fact that he could feel Peter’s chest expanding on his back as he went through the motions of breathing.

    “Pete, wake up. Gotta get you patched up, Queens.”

    Peter nodded, still not opening his eyes as he let Steve guide him to a chair and take his arm out of the suit. Stever disinfected the wound before wrapping it and making sure that Peters vitals were okay. He knew the dizziness was from blood loss, but from what he could tell, Peter didn’t lose enough blood to need a transfusion.

    He got Peter back onto his back and carried him to the elevator and up to the penthouse. He usually was not allowed into the penthouse due to what had happened between him and Tony in Siberia, but FRIDAY had made an exception for now as Peter needed someone to take care of him and Steve was the only one there.

    Steve asked FrIDAY where Peter’s bedroom was and followed her directions, opening a smooth white door. Steve was surprised at the room. He had figured the room would be more like a teenagers bedroom. But the room was clean, everything dusted and vacuumed. The bed was made, and the velvet couch in the middle of the room was free of any markings. Around the couch was stacks of books that seemed to have no place on the bookshelves that were on the two walls from the ceiling to the floor. There was even a baby grand piano in the room, and beside it was a ukulele and a violin. Steve doubted that Peter only played those three instruments, but didn’t ask because Peter was already asleep again.

    Steve laid Peter down on his bed before looking around a bit more. He was sure that Peter would not mind if he looked as long as he didn’t snoop and touch things. There was a desk with a sketchbook on it, and Steve was amazed by the drawing it was open to. There was a man on the page, drawn in such detail that Steve wasn’t completely sure that the man wouldn’t pop out of the page and talk to him. Everything, down to the wrinkles that signified a life of smiles, was so detailed, and Steve couldn’t help but wonder who the person on the paper was. 

    Steve decided that Peter probably needed some food, so he turned away from the drawing and went to the kitchen. 

    “Hey, FRIDAY? What should I make?”

    “I would recommend soup of some sort as Peter did also throw up twice this morning.”

    Steve whirled towards the ceiling.

    “He whAT?”

    “He seems to have a small cold, but it affects him more direly than it would for a normal being due to his senses.”

    Steve nodded before sighing and making some soup. When he got back to Peter’s room with the bowel, Peter was awake and leaning against his bed, watching some movie on the TV that Steve hadn’t seen before. Peter looked up and smiled as Steve walked in and set the bowel down by Peter’s lap, handing him the spoon.

    “What are ya watching?” he asked the spiderling.

    “Heathers. You made me soup?”
    “Of course i made soup. Heathers, huh? Is that like a girl power movie?

    “Um, yeah. That’s exactly what it is. Yeah. let’s go with that,” he muttered.

    Needless to say, Steve was a mix of amazed and shocked by how Heathers turned out. When the movie finished, he was so shocked that he stared at the credits for a minute before turning to Peter.

    “Okay that was definitely not a girl power movie,” he said before stopping. Peter was leaning against his pillow, his eyes closed and his hair in his face, snoring softly. Steve smiled and shook his head. He bent over and moved Peter so that he wouldn’t have neck pains the next morning before checking all the windows (granted they were top floor windows on like a 100 story building, but Steve remembered his mom doing that before she died and how safe it made him feel). Steve walked over to the door and smiled again at the sleeping spiderkid before closing the door and turning to go to the living room until the Avengers got back.

    However, he ran right into Tony, who had been coming down the hallway to check on his son. They stared at each other for a second before Tony nodded at Steve.

    “Um, I heard that you were the one taking care of him. So, thanks, I guess. For taking care of my kid. Making sure he was safe. Thanks.” 

    Steve was so shocked that he simply nodded before walking to the elevator. When he finally got back to his floor, he smiled and nodded to himself. Maybe things would get better between him and Tony. and, he also wouldn’t mid watching Peter some more.

Lol I just reread It and now I'm gonna go home and watch Heathers. Yup. That's what imma do. Screw homework and the stoopid book we're reading in LA.

Anyways I hope you guys, gals and enby pals are having a good weekend! Im probably not gonna be on this weekend, but I'll hopefully be back next week!

Peace out,


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