D.I.D pt 3 (pt 2)

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Okay I changed my mind. Pt 3 was too short to be a pt 3 so I just made 2 parts.

Okie dokie so same trigger warnings apply (discussion of r@pe, restraining, panic attacks, unintentional self harm).

This chapter is the one that gets heavy. Like. This is the section that triggered my friend.

Sorry for the ending (unless you like it, than not sorry). It felt a bit rushed to me but idk how to fix it so that's how it is.

Having said that, I did a really long author's note last time, so here we go!


Peter shot upright in his bed at May's, hands covering his mouth. It was dark and hot, too hot. He kicked off his blankets in a panic and rushed to his bathroom, falling to his knees and vomiting in the toilet. There came a point where he had nothing to throw up anymore and he just proceeded to dry heave, disturbed by the thoughts in his head left over from the nightmare.

God, it had seemed so real. Flash was in it, and Deimos. In the dream he went about his school day like any other, until lunch. Flash would catch up with him and something in Peter's stomach twisted as a voice in his head yelled at him to run, to get away, but before he could act on it, he was grabbed and pulled into a closet. Right around then was when Peter's line of sight got fuzzy. He figured that's when Deimos had fronted, so he didn't know why he had to see. God he wished he didn't have to see. He wished he didn't have to watch as Flash smiled at him, calling him degrading names as he reached for the buckle on his pants, as he slipped his hands under his shirt, as he used Peter like he was nothing other than a fuck-toy.

Peter of the present shook his head, sliding backwards to lean against his bathroom wall and take a deep breath. His brain was spinning, thinking long and hard even though Peter wished it wouldn't. His brain was just piercing together how the ceiling in his dream had looked eerily similar to the ceiling in his trauma flashes, how the hand reaching to open the closet door seemed too real for comfort, how the whole thing felt more like a memory than a fabricated terror.

Peter's eyes flew open and he threw himself at the toilet once again.


"I can't go to school today."

May looked up from the stove at Peter, who admittedly did look a little pale.

"Do you have a fever?"

"I was throwing up last night. Can't go to school for 24 hours after you throw up."

May frowned.

"Okay, now I know it's not Peter. He always insists on going to school. Who am I talking to?"

"Peter. Just Peter. May, seriously. I don't want to go to school today. Please."
May frowned and nodded.

"I guess, if you were throwing up."

Peter nodded and got up from his stool, walking back to his room and closing the door, paying no attention to May's frown.


Tony had made a face at the notification that popped up on his phone. It was from Peter, and Tony could already tell that it was not nearly long enough to answer his questions of why the boy hadn't been at school today, if he needed to come over, if he still felt sick. The text was a simple sentence, a short hey mr. stark, I won't be there for lab today.

And well, that just wouldn't do, would it?

So that's how Tony ended up knocking on the door of the Parkers apartment. At first no one had answered. Tony heard a door open and a few small footsteps, but they stopped a good few feet from the door as if waiting to make sure the person behind it would go away. Tony knocked again.

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