In Which MJ Plays Fastpitch

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Yes, the drawing is something I did myself. Yes, I know it isnt the best. Yes, I did draw instead of listening to my history lecture. Anyways.

Hiiiiii! I'm alive! Sorry for not updating as often as I normally do, I had summer school and that was a whole mess lol. I also feel like I should mention that I may not be posting as often as I do during the summer as I have less time to write (my mom likes to keep me busy) so for all of you guys who requested, I saw it, I wrote it down to make into a story when I have time, and I will for sure write and post it, it might just take me a while.

Anyways hiii! How are you guys?

The person may read this and if you do then hiiiii! But I got a message from someone telling me how much they like my writing and I was so happy and I really do appreciate all of your comments supporting my writing. I just feel like I dont say that enough lol.

Anyways, while on the topic of personal messages, I forgot you could do that tbh, and so if any of you would ever like to personally message me, about requests or something you'd like me to include in a story once or even just your days, I'm available! I might not answer right away because I can't always have wattpad downloaded on my phone, but I will see it and will answer at some point😂👍

Okay! Onto the story! Sorry for the really long intro lol.

Peter let out a small whimper as he took another staggering step in the direction of his apartment. He wrapped a hand around his middle, wincing when he felt his ribs move slightly. He looked up from the concrete side road and whined when he saw he was still blocks away from his apartment. His feet stumbled and he reached out to catch himself, and he couldn’t stop the small yell that was ripped from his mouth as his hands hit the brick of the building he was walking past, jarring his whole body.

He let out another noise, feeling a tear fall down his face, leaving a hot, wet trail through the dirt and grime. He sniffed and slowly lowered himself down to his knees, leaning his head against the brick and wrapping his arms around his torso and trying to stay as still as he could.

Peter wanted nothing else than to be at the tower, drinking hot chocolate that had too much chocolate powder in it and watching a show with Tony. Instead, he was trying not to cry while his head was pushed against a dirty brick wall. Not that it mattered, his face was already dirty enough. The fact just nagged at Peter a bit, more than the fact that he didn’t have his mask on and that if someone were to round the corner of the building SpiderMan’s identity would be out for the world to see.

Speaking of people rounding the corner, Peter heard footsteps. He sighed a bit and winced, preparing a plan. He could jump up and shoot a web towards the top of the building, pull himself up and be out of view in a few seconds flat.

He decided to just accept his fate. There was no way he could get up fast enough, or even at all. He watched out of the corner of his eyes as a person, tall and bulky, turned the corner. He sighed again when he recognized the person as one of the bad guys he had been fighting earlier.

“Hey! Back to apologize?”

Peter winced at his own voice, hating how weak it sounded. The criminal just laughed, stalking towards Peter.
“Aw, look at the little spider! All strung out, all weak and in pain. Let;s fix that, shall we?”

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