Chapter 11

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2 weeks after your purchase, your order has been delivered at your apartment. But this day, your boss is even worse than before. He humiliates you, because of little tiny mistakes you did, and your colleagues tease you everyday because of it. These same co-workers also give you extra work, because you are now their whipping boy who will never object to doing this work, given that you're too afraid to lose your job if you had to refuse. You bear this awful and shaming treatment everyday, for days, for weeks, for one's just too much. At 11 PM you turn your apartment's keys in the lock and slam the door. You are obviously doing a burnout. Your ideas are blurry, mixed up. You can't think straight anymore. You're feeling that you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, and you can't handle all of this pressure around you. You can't do this, you're too mentally weak. Alone in your tiny bedroom, you gaze upon the gun you bought, for one minute. You take it, and carry it to your temple, shaking. Your breath becomes louder, your pulse accelerates, your pupils are expanding, your vision is weakening. With a feeble voice, you pronounce these three words :





The silence.

It's funny, red was always your favourite color.


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