Începe de la început

* Time jump *

My parents invited the royal family of Fraga to have lunch with us, they obviously agreed.

And tell me Harumi, would you like to have children one day? - Asked the Empress of Fraga

Hmmm ... I don't know, I never thought about it- Harumi replied with a tone of discomfort due to the question she had asked.

You know I love your beautiful white hair- added the Empress of Fraga

In fact I agree with my mother this time -said Adrián

Harumi had no choice but to smile

She knew that she had to marry a prince that she barely knew 2 hours ago, but Harumi was thinking about what happened in her past life, Harumi was in her thoughts that she did not realize that they were calling her for 5 minutes.

Harumi !! - the mother shouted to Harumi

Ehmm ... yeah? What's wrong? - asked Harumi

Adrien asked you if you wanted to go to the park with him, it would be a very good opportunity for you to meet your future husband

Every time they mentioned that Adrien was going to be her husband, Harumi couldn't help but make a face of annoyance, and it was not because he was not cute, on the contrary, he was a very handsome young man, surely many girls would wish to be with a boy like him but his Harumi heart belonged to someone else.

But you never let me leave the palace -said Harumi a little confused

Yes, but this time you will be in the company of your fiancé and some guards- said Harumi's father

Okay, I guess- Harumi fixed sighing

Hutchins bring me 2 ninjas and 6 guards to escort Harumi and Adrian- the emperor of Ninjago ordered Hutchins; Hutchins nodded and left to bring in two ninjas and six guards.

In the park

You know Harumi you are very beautiful like a rose, your eyes are as beautiful as the star that illuminates the sky- Adrien's story to Harumi

Okay- she said uncomfortable

The truth is that I don't know how there can be a woman as beautiful as you- said Adrián

Kai and Nya had been chosen to guard Harumi, they just watched as Adrian tried to conquer Harumi and how Harumi simply rejected him.

"I really don't know how Harumi went from being Quiet One to being ... this Harumi without character" - Nya said

Kai just nodded



"WHAT ARE WE DOING HERE" - Asked ULTRA VIOLET looking at a car depot in very bad condition, apart from that it is located in a place very far from people

"YOU WILL SEE" - said the guard- while he continued walking

When he crossed a corner Ultra Violet saw Killow, Claus, Pytor and Samukai

"And what are we going to do with a single group of villains that the ninjas have already defeated? - asked ultra Violet"

Ahh ... But they didn't face us all together, right, besides, I'm not going to send a couple of people to fight with the ninjas, no, of course not, I'm working in an army or rather Claus- said the guard

What do you mean? - said ultra Violet

To start my plan we need a small trinket that is in one of the SOG barracks, in Harumi's room to be more exact, that's why I need you, because the SOG headquarters is with traps and you are the only one who knows how to enter Apart from Harumi, the only problem is that it is very well protected and if we steal it for sure they will send those stupid ninjas to capture us so we need a very efficient and cunning distraction- said the guard

So what will be the distraction? - asked ultra Violet

Easy, Claus will use his dark powers to bring Chen and his army to life- said the guard

Can you do that? - said ultra Violet

Yes, with this- said the guard showing him a crystal the size of his hand- when Chen attacks the one who will send the orders in that battle will be Chen, but he will be watched by Tyler- said the Guard showing a young man with dark brown hair and eyes black- "he will be the one who watches over the battle of Echen in case they fail and are captured. Okay ?!"

Everyone in the room nodded

THOSE NINJAS DON'T KNOW WHAT IS WAITING FOR THEM-said the guard while laughing evilly


-In the park

Hey, do you agree with our commitment and all the rules that we have to comply with? - Asked Rumi

Yes, because I'm going to marry a very beautiful woman- said Adrián

Harumi put on a fake smile and laughed uncomfortably

And what else? - asked Harumi

Well your eyes are really beautiful and because I love you- said Adrián

I know, but why do you love me? Apart from being pretty -said Harumi a bit defiantly

Adrián was silent

I thought so- said Harumi as he went to the car for the return home

You'll fall Harumi, that's for sure- Adrián whispered to himself

Pov harumi

I was already in the car thought that it has been believed for. Telling me that he loves me without knowing me, I know and I am more than a pretty face ...

1543 WORDS

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