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Pov jay:

Tonight it was my turn to do and watch with kai and honestly I am a little scared when I talk to him about his sister Nya, my girlfriend.

Jay: so today we have to stand guard, right?

Kai: ehh ... yes

Nya: kai please be friendly with him

-Colé and Zane were laughing a bit while Lloyd was still lost in thought.

Kai: what's up little sister who do you think I am

Jay: actually kai you !!

Kai cuts him by covering his mouth

Kai: ahh ... well it's time to sleep for you and us to patrol-nervous-

Nya: sure 😑🙄

Nya saw lloyd

Nya: Are you okay Lloyd?

Lloyd: ehhh yes, no good ash

Nya: I understand that this is difficult for you but I still have my doubts about Harumi

Lloyd: That is not what happens is that well she does not remember anything that happened now she is good and that but I still

Nya: you still love her, don't you? 😊😊

Lloyd: maybe not but even if it were like that I could never be with her 1 because she doesn't know who I am. 2 I can't get close to her, 3 she's from the royal family. 4 She betrayed us but ash

Nya: I thought you should take it easy ... that will do you good also tomorrow we have to get up early so we have to rest ...

With cole and zane ...

Zane: are you ok colé

Cole: ehh ... if only this palace reminds me of Shintago and Vania

Zane: yes .......

Cole: and you don't miss Pixal

Zane: yes but I know that some faith will see her again and that does not make me so sad

Colé: on the other hand, I don't know if I'll see her again 😟

Zane: I'm sure that one day you will see her again ... we better go to sleep because it is getting late ...

Cole: if you're right .....

The next day.........

Lloyd: good morning nya, cole

Cole: ehh ... yes, good morning 😴😴

Nya: good morning 😄 I wonder how kai and jay got through on duty 🤔😕😕 .....

In the other room ....

Kai: ayyy ..... I'm very sleepy.

Jay: tell me to me 😴😴😴

Zane: I thought Jay wouldn't be in this world anymore hahaha

Kai: ha ha ha funny zane

Jay: I thought so 🤣🤣

Everyone was already in the dining room for breakfast

Nya: good morning jay 😄😄

Jay: hi nya😊😊

Nya: I thought you'd be dead after spending time with kai

Kai: ha ha ha

Everyone laughs

Nya: but really speaking, what happened at night because now you look more friendly and kai would not be so jealous anymore

Jay: mmmm ........

Patrol night 💭💭💭

Jay and kai were already on patrol ...

Jay: hey kai why do you get so jealous when I'm with nya, maybe. You don't like me for your sister, you know me and you know that I wouldn't do anything to hurt her .......

Kai: it's not that but that, I've always protected her from a very young age and I've made sure that nothing bad happens to her and I don't want her to suffer or get hurt

Jay: but kai you know that I love her and Jamad would hurt her, I give you my word ...

Kai: okay you can go out with my sister but if you make her suffer just a little 😠 ..... you can imagine what will happen to you 🙂🙂

Jay: -swallow - say yes I know and I don't want to imagine

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Nya: well what happened ???

Kai: nothing interesting 😃😃

Jay: ehh .... yes 😅😥

Well, he hoped you liked it, vote and comment ...

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