COME WITH ME- part 1

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Pov Harumi:

I moved several meters away from Lloyd, enough so that he didn't see me and I quickly leaned against the wall.

What has happened?!  Did he... H-He hugged me, I should have pushed him away but why didn't I?  Ugh but I have more important things to take care of, I need to talk to Azami.

I walked back to the others, everyone was there except Vania

Rumi! - Azami yelled jumping on me.

Hello Zami- I said with a smile, Azami released me and sat on a chair near her

Rumi we can talk- he said

Yes, of course- I replied with a smile, we left that room and went to the outskirts of the ship.

What did you want to tell me?- I asked, Azami answered: "Harumi or she should say 'the silent one'"

W-what? - I said confused


Pov Vania:

After the conversation with Azami I couldn't sit idly by, I had to do something, I couldn't say it in front of Harumi, but who else can I warn...


I ran out looking for Lloyd, looking everywhere except for the most obvious room, Lloyd's room.  I knocked on the door and it opened revealing Lloyd.

Vania? - Asked the blonde.

Lloyd, I have to warn you about something important— I explained to Lloyd how I got to that jungle and what Azami plans.

We have to find her, if Azami plans to take Harumi to her side, we will stop her- Lloyd said


Wh-what? - Harumi was confused how she could know that

Don't worry, I've known it for a long time, it's not something I found out recently, in fact I never thought you'd be a villain, that'll make things easier, ohhh I'm very happy, you'll see, we'll never separate again, we'll conquer Ninjago and other worlds, however there are still little ninjas who bother, but they are not of much importance now— Azami said happily, giving Harumi a hug, while she was totally confused.

Azami looked at her sister's face, she seemed confused, scared and at the same time sad: Ohh ~ maybe I'm rushing you too much, let me explain.  First of all I'm not dumb so I know that you and the green ninja know about me, but you didn't really think I came here by chance did you?

I was waiting for you to say it yourself— Harumi replied.

Sister, I don't want to be separated from you, but I have to go and I want you to come with me, or is it that you want to be separated from me? - Azami asked

Of course not!  But I have to go... And check it out for myself, if our family is still alive— said Harumi

Azmai gave a heavy sigh and said: Harumi I wanted to be as private as possible and tell you everything later, but I see that this is impossible.

Both sisters had a duel of looks that lasted seconds, before Azami spoke again: Harumi, our father is dead, everyone is.  And who do you think he is to blame for his death?!  Who were the ones who killed them because of his recklessness?!  And we can avenge them and conquer Ninjago and other kingdoms, together we can do it, I'm already preparing revenge sister, but I need your help to complete it, come with me Rumi, let's not separate again and fight together, you just have to come with me

I don't want to be separated from my sister again, but what she is doing... No, I don't want the same thing to happen again... What should I do?

Chen: When will we attack?  Azami is taking too long don't you think?

Wait, she will give us the signal for you to go and I had the funniest part- Tyler smiled- Playing with those ninjas


Where is Harumi?! - Lloyd asked his friends

They all looked around her and shrugged her shoulders, suddenly Cole spoke: Why are you looking for her?  I think she left with her sister

Yes, does anyone else get chills from her sister? -Jay said

We have to stop her- Lloyd said

What? - Nya said without understanding

Long story, but to summarize, Azami is the villain and she wants Harumi to be it again- Vania answered

Seriously?!  Why those two sisters came out as villains?! - Jay yelled

They all went out on deck, but only found Tyler with some SOG members.

Tch- snort Lloyd

I hate it I'll see again, green ninja- Tyler said with a smile

The feeling is mutual- he replied in blond, pulling out a sword


Hello! .... (He hides and speaks from the closet in his room) And how are you?

Hmmm I went on vacation so I hope to be more active in my stories, I read all your comments and private messages as well as your reading lists that they put me, in fact some reading lists came with a message lol, I don't remember the user but It said: "Please update, I know you're reading me author) and I was left: *processing information*
(I love the name of your reading list.)

I also read comments and messages asking me when I would update or writing me that they were going to wait for my return or simply the fact that they are waiting for an update, Mr made me happy.  So THANK YOU to everyone who is or has read this story.

Bye!!  Take care and until the next update

Psdta: Thank you very much also to those who voted for my story!  ❤

Psdta2: Sorry if there are spelling errors (T▽T)

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