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Lloyd: Time to find out.

I want to see you try it- said Tyler grabbing 3 blue arrows and pointing them at the ninjas and shooting them at Nya, Lloyd and Kai.  He grabbed another 3 arrows and pointed them at the others.

You said you would never hurt me with one of your arrows - Harumi said coldly looking towards Tyler.

Times changed, what can I tell you- Tyler said as if he didn't care what Harumi said, as he grabbed another 3 blue arrows and shot Skailor, Jay, Cole, then shot Harumi, while Zane fought with henchmen of  Chen.  TYLER knew that his stun arrow was not going to work on a nindroid like Zane so he decided to send some of his Chen followers to attack him.

TYLER approached Harumi while she and the Ninjas were paralyzed by that poison- "Harumi I could not hurt you, but if necessary I will" - Tyler whispered in Harumi's ear.

She joined her with all her strength to be able to say a few words- "I will not allow it."  Tyler was surprised to see how the girl could pronounce those short words, no one has ever received that arrow and have enough strength to move or speak, not even the ninjas have been able to achieve something like that, because she could achieve it, of all people  Why was she the only one to do something like that?  What's different about her;  it was something Tyler didn't understand.

Tyler received a small call from the audio device in his ear.


Pov Azami

We fled together with the map, now we go, perhaps to the most protected place in all of Ninjago, where they lock up the worst criminals that Ninjago faced, the Kriptarium prison to free some friends who will help us destroy the ninjas.

We arrived on our motorcycles and we ran into a guard who surrounded the perimeters of the outside of the prison and he asked us why we were in this place so far from our homes, well that was until he saw Ultra Violet, then he sucked at the local police  to be captured.  After a moment I defeated those policemen without any problem and directed me to that man who in my opinion was in charge of running the Kriptarium prison.

P-Princess Harumi, what are you doing here, I knew it was a bad idea for her to leave you free of her and in charge of the emperors- said the director of the Kriptarium prison.

First of all I am not Harumi and you are going to let me pass or I will kill him- I said while pointing a dagger at his neck, he opened the doors to the prison, then I let him go, what a bad idea that was, he immediately ordered  I told the police to capture us, I told Violet to free the others, she left and I attacked the police.  It was easy to beat them, but there are more and more and it makes me a bit stressful.

Ultra Violet released Killow and other henchmen who have tormented the city of Ninjago, among them is the fearsome snake that recently invaded Ninjago, Asphera, but she is in the deepest part of the Kriptarium prison, a prison specially designed to treat  To the worst villains, previously there was Garmadon, but he escaped and now there is Asphera.

WHERE IS IT?  I asked myself, suddenly I saw Violet with Killow and warriors See the los, I suppose there are Vermellon prisoners still in Kriptarium, I approached them jumping on the head of the guards until I reached the stairs, I quickly went up and threw several  chairs that were on my side so they couldn't get over the stairs or at least it would give me time to come up with a way to quickly get everyone out.

You already explained the whole plan- I said with a cold voice to Violet, she just nodded, I retired for Violet to follow me.

Wait Ultra Violet, is this Harumi?  -Asked Killow.

No!  And you better not tell her that in front of her if you want to stay alive, take care of the guards now I'll come back and I'll explain everything to you- Violet said.

Killow and the other prisoners were facing the guards, meanwhile I and Ultra Violet went to the depths of the Prison where Asphera was.  We arrived and approached her jail.

WHAT IS WHAT THEY WANT- Asphera said (with that accent that the serpentines have)

Do you want me to get you out of here? - I said

What is the trap? - she answered doubtfully.

There is no catch, the only thing I want you to do is help me defeat the ninjas- I said with a look of revenge.

Asphera closed her eyes between her "And her master Wu too?"

I don't see why not - I said unimportant - "I was going to kill him anyway"

Well, by right I will be at your orders- Asphera said as she bowed.

We went out together with Asphera and I took Killow and the other prisoners to a hidden exit.  Call Tyler to meet with us.

After fleeing we all meet in a warehouse where we will stay temporarily.


They all nodded and dispersed within the warehouse.

Azami named Tyler as his right hand and his commanders Asphera, Chen, Claus, Pytor, Makia (Vermellon commander).

And subcommanders like: Pytor, Rakton and Bronk (vermellon commanders)

We have...


958 words

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