Doctor's Appointment

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"Caryn hurry up we are going to be late for your appointment" Gwen called up the stairs. "Yes, I'm coming" Caryn replied. Gwen felt extremely nervous about the appointment. Ever since Caryn came home, she's barely seen her. The only time that they see each other is when she comes down to eat. Gwen placed Caryn under strict rules. No leaving the house, no use of her computer and cellphone and no contact with anyone. Something just tells her that if she lets her daughter use her phone or computer or let her leave the house, she will be losing her soon.

The doctor's appointment is another thing that worries Gwen. Caryn is way too young to have a baby, but being her usual stubborn self, Caryn refuses to talk about the baby or having an abortion. If she didn't tell her to go to the appointment to at least see if the baby is fine, she wouldn't have come. Gwen is at her wits end, because she doesn't even know her own daughter and whenever she talks to her, she tells her that she wants to leave.

"Caryn hurry up please!" Gwen called again. She heard footsteps coming down the stairs and there her daughter was. Still the same pretty face, still with the stubborn attitude, but this time she didn't even show any emotion towards Gwen. "Here I am let's go and get this over with" Caryn said. Gwen sighed as she opened the door and walked to the car. 

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