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Ever since Gwen told Caryn that she will be visiting her father, she had this feeling of excitement that she couldn't explain. Could this be because she would get the opportunity to get to know her long lost dad or is something else going to happen? A soft smile graced her beautiful face as she boarded the plane. A contended sigh left her mouth as she got seated. Maybe this will all turn out well. What if she would catch a glimpse of Khalil? She sucked in a breath at the thought of him. "But that wouldn't be possible, right? Khalil had no idea on where to find her and as far as she knew he had no business in Australia. "But what if he made a way to find her?" she thought again. She missed him and she missed being his. She sighed again. "There's absolutely no way that he would ever find her. Her mother made sure of that. Even though she was allowed to travel, her mother made sure that she had a bodyguard to accompany her and she's still not allowed any contact with the outside world. "Well, then I guess I must be excited about seeing my dad" Caryn thought with a sigh. 

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