Stockholm syndrome

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"I'm sorry if I caused you any pain. I just had to get you away from there without causing a scene. I can see that you've started to accept your new life Caryn, but your mother is worried sick. It's time for you to go home" Carl said to Caryn where she just woke up on the plane seat next to him. "I can't leave him. I'm expecting his baby" Caryn replied keeping her head down. "Is that the only reason? You can always abort the baby. You are just 16 years old. Your life is just starting" Carl spoke again. "I will not abort my baby. This baby is as much a part of me as it is a part of him. And yes, you are right the baby is not the only reason. I love him. I love him so, so much that I don't want to be without him. Me and my mom haven't had the best relationship as in ever. She's not happy and I wasn't happy. It always felt as if I was in the way. I don't want my child to grow up feeling like I did. Now Khalil may be cruel towards me sometimes, but I know he'll change. He's already starting to change. And he wanted this baby. My child will grow up knowing that his parent loves him" Caryn carried on while sobbing.

Carl gently touched her shoulder. "Look I can imagine what you feel, but it's not real. I think you have Stockholm syndrome and your mother will agree. After a while you will forget about what you think you feel now and remember what he put you through. Look, your mother is a mess. I'm gonna get you home. If you still feel like going back to him after you've been at home for a while, talk to your mother about it, but I'm sorry, I can't let you go back there" Carl said again. "How did you get me on a plane without people asking why I am unconscious?" Caryn asked. Carl smiled. "They did. I was just honest and told them that you were trafficked and that I'm taking you home. I showed them your case file and the missing posters from back home and they were very eager to help" he replied.

Caryn sighed. "I wonder if Khalil is looking for me. Will he come find me? When will I see him again?" she thought as she absentmindedly nibbled on the food on the tray in front of her. 

An Unwanted LifeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin