Chapter 5

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welcome back

Walking into the building Tonpa looked around, everything was niche and white. it looked very proper as the two made their way int the elevator the tension was growing. Neither really knew what to speak about considering Ging sort of rushed into this decision. Other than that when they made their way to the top Beans was waiting or maybe was just standing around.

"Oh hello Mr. Ging! Its quite rare to see you around here isn't it?" spoke Beans to which Ging just grunted in response. "Ah well why do you have someone with you? This is truly a rare event!"

Trying to desperately make small talk beans kept pushing until Tonpa could deal with this pain anymore, "well if you don't mind us we'll be going now." flashing the pitiful thing a grin that looked malicious unintentionally he sped walked away with Ging shortly trailing behind. As they walked to Gings destination he looked up to see a huge office. It was littered with artifacts from different sights but still looked able to be packed up quickly as Ging was always running around if needed.

"Welcome I guess. We're going to be here for a little bit so get comfortable."

"O-oh yes! Don't worry I'll handle this charge just fine." The brunette responded with a excited voice.


"Shalnark, what's Tonpa doing right now?" I asked.

"He's in the Hunter association with Ging right now. It looks like he's in his office boss!" My leg responded happily.

"Well this is working out quite well,"

"We probably didn't need Tonpa though boss." A voice spoke from the darkness.

"Well that may be so but I think he will have a bigger role soon.." what my group doesn't get yet is that Tonpa is extremely important to manipulating Ging. We need him on our side for he has unawakened power right. And when he can use it, I want it to be mine.

Back to Tonpa and Ging~~~

"Hey, do you like anyone?" Tonpa blurted out. This question looked like it took a number on Gings thoughts.

"Why would you ask that?" Ging asked smugly as he looked with a side eye to Tonpa.

'Oh shit. Why did I say that??? I'm so dumb the hell. How the hell am I going to get out of this'

"Cause I think I might have an idea of... why" Ging started to move closer to Tonpa as he began to close his eyes.

'Oh crap is what I think is about to happen is going to happen shit oh god oh well I was waiting for this one!" Tonpa's thoughts were racing and his heart was pounding almost out of his heart.

All of the sudden the door was flung open.

"My Ging! I haven't seen you in a while.. where have you been my... friend." His tone was sleazy but happy all the same. 'He sounded like a damn politician. Oh wait he probably is isn't he.' As this tall man entered Ging completely stopped and drew back immediately.

"Who are you?" Tonpa asked in a snarky tone.

"My! You don't already know who I am?" 'Dumb snake sounding hoe.' "Well I guess that is to be expected of someone like you!" He stated like it was a compliment his smile seemed to never leave. It almost reminded Tonpa of  Shalnark, "but it wouldn't hurt to introduce myself, my names Pariston the rat zodiac! It's a pleasure!"

A.N: your welcome for blessing your eyes. Sorry for the lack of updates!! Have a great day! Muah

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