Chapter 4

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"Jeez why is it so hot out?" Tonpa whined to Feitan.

"Why would I know?"

"Well damn okay mr tough hoe." He spat under his breath sort of hoping Feitan didn't hear him.

'Honestly though why is this taking so long for us to get to York New again? And all this walking is going to make me cry. If we don't get to Ging soon I think I'm going to die.'

Now, Tonpa was more than upset with these arrangements he had to follow. He didn't want to hurt his precious Ging but nooooo, the phantom troupe just had to kidnap him.

As Tonpa continued to complain to himself Feitan and him walked towards a gas station. Feitan didn't need a break nor did he want to give Tonpa one. But he saw a car driving towards the station and he wanted it.

"Oi! Are we stopping now?...... fine don't answer me."  Finally arriving, Feitan walked up to the car and hit the back of the mans neck knocking him out. 'Holy shit he's fast. I didn't even see his hand go up.'

"Get in."

Climbing into the slick black small car Tonpa looked around. The interior was quite nice it was all black but the seats had red highlights on the sides. It looked like an Audi or something.  Finally being able to relax he reached for the aux cord.

"What you doing?"

"I'm going to play music."


"Well I don't care." Feitan gave Tonpa a deadly glare that would've normally made Tonpa stop whatever he was doing and try to run away or give up. But this time was diffrent. Feitan simply couldn't kill Tonpa. He also couldn't torture him considering if he did then Ging would be suspicious of his wounds. Because of this Tonpa could basically do whatever he wanted. Continuing on he played Touch You as Feitan drived as fast as he could trying to scare Tonpa.

When Tonpa and Feitan arrived in York New where Tonpa agreed to meet Ging over the phone he pulled to an abrupt stop and threw Tonpa out.

'Damn that minuscule man can throw far." Biting his lip he looked as Feitan drove off not even sparing one word. 'Wait no! I like Ging! Feitan is just a home wrecker that's trying to come between me and Ging!'

Ignoring what he just thought Tonpa walked on to the coffee shop in the northern part of York New.  Walking though the shops doors he looked around for the thinner figure of Ging.

"Yo. Over here."

'I know that voice. In fact I would recognize it anywhere!' Turning to look at his crush Tonpa met his gaze. Gongs brown eyes never ceased to amaze the shorter man. 'How does he look so good. I'm not in the presence of a man. I'm next to a god.' "Hey! How's it going?"

"It's fine I guess. Nothing to look forward to right now except seeing you again." His tone was soft yet extremely dry. It sounded almost like he was forced into seeing him. But it also didn't.

"Oh I see. Is that bad?"

"Well the lack of adventure is not exemplary, but you on the other hand.."

Blushing Tonpa looked away at the coffee bags sitting on the shelves. Letting out a nervous chuckle he changed the topic. "So you like adventures right? Does that mean your going to be a Hunter?"

"Oh- you didn't know? Well I guess you should know. I'm a ruin Hunter I guess I'm pretty famous but it doesn't matter."

"Huh that's cool. So your like an archeologist?"

"I guess. Are you planning on becoming one?"

"Nah. It's to much work."

"Oh interesting. So do you do anything for work then?"

"Oh I actually do! I make drugs. Sorta like medicine."

"So you made those laxatives yourself? That's pretty cool."

"Oh thanks! I don't normally get praise from people hehe." Tonpa was a blushing mess. 'HOW AM I NOT STUTTERING?!' That was a mystery he would never know the answer to.

"So should we get on with this?"

"Yes we shall."

Among this time the two spent together looking around for coffee they talked about various things. Everything was going smoothly until Ging asked about the Phantom Troupe.

"Do you know anything about the Phantom Troupe?" Stopping in his tracks Tonpa thought in how he should handle this. 'Would Ging know if I'm lying? Should I tell the truth? They never went over this! If I tell the truth will I die?! You know what I'm not going to take that chance.' Quickly carrying on with walking he tried to make it look as if he tripped.

Yet try as he did Ging knew something was off. H noticed Tonpas short pause when he mentioned them. Just from this and the fear in Tonpas eyes the black haired man came to one explanation.

"No I don't. I don't keep up on the news. Sounds like a stupid name though."

"Yeah right. It reminds me of a dance troupe or something."

"What they gonna do? Breakdance on me?" Tonpa shot adding onto Ging's statement.

Laughing loudly Ging looked at Tonpa with love in his eyes. Although the man he was looking at completely missed it. Any on looker of the situation could clearly define this as adoration. I'd nothing else, Ging took a liking towards Tonpa.

"Say are you doing anything tonight?" Asked Ging. Now this may sound suggestive but it was purely pure intentions. In fact Ging even if the situation wasn't what Ging suspected it was. He still wanted to make sure Tonpa was safe. And in order to do such he needed to bring Tonpa to the Hunter association. 'If the phantom trope really is after me or Tonpa then it would be best to avoid conflict. I have no doubt I could take them, but it would put him in danger. And I don't exactly want that to happen.'

"Oh! No I don't think so. Why do you ask?"

"Well I was wondering if you want to go on a little trip with me."

"Well I- I don't see why not I guess." Voice fading out he looked up and Ging as the blood rushed to his face.

"Okay good. It's settled then. We're leaving now then. And no you don't need to pack. We can.. just buy stuff later."

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