Chapter 7

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Sike bitches. I'm not apologizing for anything.

Finally. It's 2! It felt like forever but I'm ready to go with him now.

We're going to have so much fun i swear. He'll love me by the end of this. I know it!

"Ready?" Ging asked with his later back voice. He wore a purple outfit today.

"Yes sir." As I brushed my hair back to make it stay in place we left the office. Going down the elevator and walking out to the city.

Looking around the scenery I saw a huge shop that looked fun. Stopping then resuming walking I watched all the people inside looking for clothes and jewelry.

"Damn that looks enjoyable." I muttered under my breath.

"Come on. We don't want to miss the sale Tonpa."

I love it when he says my name. The way it slides off his tongue. It's like a coir of angels blessing my ears. In fact I wouldn't doubt it if I was told Ging was an Angel that accidentally was sent to Earth.

"Oh yeah, sorry."

Unknown to Tonpa, Ging smiled as he walked a little faster. 'How cute'

When they reached to shop they grabbed all the things needed on the list. Granted it wasn't that many, but it was still hard for Tonpa to carry.

"Woah, I love these drinks." Tonpa spoke in awe as he rushed towards the display.

"Would you like some?"

"Oh no! You don't need to buy it for me."

"Dumb, if it makes you happy then sure."

"Okay, only if you really want though." This is literally not like me at all. I just can't be brash towards him. I can't be, he's just so perfect.

"I do." As Ging reached for one and walked away he said that loud enough for just Tonpa to hear.

That made Tonpa freeze, hair standing up he looked to see Ging wave for him to follow. 'Damn he's hot'

After all the shopping was finished they made their way down the street walking and taking in the scenery.

Usually Tonpa would've seen this as a romantic scene. However in his case he was struggling with the bags. 'So heavy, damn. I don't know if I can deal with this much longer!'

As Tonpa was thinking this, Ging silently and swiftly took the bags. Freeing Tonpa of the weight and labor of holding all those. The silence was a comfortable one. They both walked in solitude enjoying one another presence while taking in the scenery.

When Tonpa thought they were about to be done, Ging stopped as he turned towards a store. "Hey Tonpa, we have one more stop."

Looking at the store Tonpa realized it was the one he wanted to go in when they first left. Looking to the taller male Tonpa was about to speak but was cut off, "why aren't you going? Didn't you want to go here?"

You could hear the smile in his voice yet he had a stoic face. Strange.

"Thank you Ging. This really means a lot to me." Tonpa started to tear up, Ging not noticing of course, as they walked in happily.

"Hey Ging! Look. Doesn't this pendent sort of remind you of yourself?"

"No, not really."

"Huh, I think it does." Tonpa spoke as he reached out for it.

"Really? How so." He asked amusement showing in his voice.

"It has your hair color, but seems very free. And is charming, don't you think?" Both paused as Tonpa realized what he said and Ging processed it. "Wait! I'm not saying that your charming. But I'm also not saying that you aren't. I just."

Ging brought a finger to Tonpas lips as he gave him a gentle smile and tilt of head "I know what you mean."

This obviously cause Tonpa to blush furiously as he tried to cover his face.

As he turned away Ging took it out of Tonpas hands, bringing it to the counter getting ready to pay.

"You really don't have to keep paying for everything I want Ging. I appreciate it, but you don't need to do all of this for me."

"Hehe, don't worry. I have enough money to spend and I want to do this for you. So there's no problem... right Tonpa?"

"no. no problem at all." If someone could speak in lowercases, then Tonpa would be doing just that. Avoiding eye contact and his face burning Tonpa looked down. 'Crap I'm in love'

Without even trying Ging managed to make Tonpa fall even more in love. Just with simple gestures of kindness.

Finally reaching the building again Ging decided to talk. "I really enjoyed this Tonpa. We should do this more often." The wind blew making strands of his hair sway as Ging reached his hand out for Tonpa to grab it.

"yeah. Yeah! I did to!" Taking Gings hand in his they walked into the large doors once again, but this time a stronger bond and feelings evident to none other than themselves.

A/N: we're all breaking out of the mental institution now. Love yah.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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