Chapter 2

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Walking around the streets Tonpa and Ging looked around trying to sell the drinks for some extra cash. It seemed to Tonpa at least that they bonded over the time they shared. "Hey, this has been fun would you maybe want to.."

"To what?" Ging asked curiously.

"Well maybe we could do this again?" Tonpa was burning up and his heart felt like it was going to stop if Ging said no.

"I don't see why not. Just don't cling to much or ill have to leave" He answered with a wink.

Tonpa was flustered, he was terrified of the thought of Ging leaving him. But that wink made him feel like he was on cloud nine. "YEAH!" 'that was way to enthusiastic,' "I mean yeah. Lets do this again then." Ging no longer looked bored Tonpa noticed as he did then they first met, this could mean that he was at least somewhat interested in Tonpa.

"Till we meet again then." Ging parted quietly yet loudly as well. Then again it could just be because Tonpa didn't want him to leave just yet. He watched Ging turn the corner and disappear. 

'oh man hes cute.' Walking off in a daze that was the only thought Tonpa could have. It wouldn't leave his mind no matter how hard he wanted it to. "AHHH!!" He suddenly screamed causing people to look at him strangely. 'How will he know where to meet up if we never exchanged number, or planned anything?!' Tonpa's mood was ruined. His once blissful thoughts were shattered by stress and worried ideas. That was until his checked his suit pockets. "Huh what?" he mumbled to himself. There he pulled out a small piece of paper with a phone number on it, "Wait is this-?"

The note read:

Here's my number, call me sometime. -Ging Freeces.

Astonished by how Ging managed to plant the note there without him noticing, he looked down and immediately fumbled for his phone to enter his number. About to text Ging he stopped, 'no hell think i to desperate, and I don't want him to leave yet!' 

Continuing to walk home Tonpa thought about what had happened that day. He could feel his face getting hot as he looked at all the other things he could've said. 'WHY DID I STUTTER SO MUCH!?? THAT'S SO EMBARRASSING, honestly though. I hope I can talk to him soon without looking needy.'

All of the sudden Tonpas thoughts came to an abrupt stop as he felt hands over his mouth and a slick chop on his neck. Slowly coming to concision he looked around with at first sleepy eyes that morphed into worried and fearful ones. 'What? What happened? Where am I?' What Tonpa saw was a room shrouded in darkness with junk laying around outside.

His eyes now adjusting to the lighting he could see a figure, they looked to be around 5'1. "Hey you! Where am I? AND WHY AM I TIED UP??"

"BAM" The sound of their book closing made Tonpa jump as the figure walked closer.

"Who I am. does. not. matter. It. matter. how. you...know. that man earlier."

His voice was higher pitched then Tonpa thought it would be and the way he spoke confused him. "Look, just untie me and we wont have a problem." 'I'm bluffing, I am totally bluffing. If he doesn't believe it I am screwed.'

"Oh? what you going to do?" Tonpa could feel his smile growing from the tone of his voice. Yet just then more figures emerged from the darkness, yet still being able to cover their faces.

"Oh hes awake" one of the voices that sounded very manly state. I bet he has a big scrumptious delicious throbbing hard long giant magnum horse- "It seems we should greet our guest properly Feitan."


"Well lets get straight to the point. Were asking you to join us."

"HAH! Why would I? Who even are you??"

"I'm Chrollo, leader of the Phantom Troupe."

gingxtonpaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ