Fight song

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(Side note I do not own any art. If I find credit to artist I will out it. But for the most part I find stuff on goodgle)

< 3rd pov Shiro >

The team of paladins land their lions and help the injured prisoner's to the med bay for Coran and Allura to take a look at them and get them into a cryopod. It didn't take long before the gloom of the situation they were in fully settled. 

Shiro broke the news to Allura and Coran, reactions to be expected. Coran burst into tears crying for number three. Where as Allura kept her head held high even though you could see the distress in her eyes. 

"Do we know where the Galra went to?" Allura asks, her voice strong but wavering with emotion. 

"No we don't, right as we got out of there they bolted pretty quickly. So we have no leads as to where they could be." Shiro brings his left hand and rubs his temple in frustration. The trio sigh and decide to find the other three to figure out a plan of action.

It wasn't hard to find the others, they went to their normal areas of comfort. Hunk was in the kitchen, stress baking. Pidge was in her room tinkering on some new gadget. And Keith was in the training deck fighting against one of the training bots.

All six of them gathered in the common area and took a seat to discuss their plan of action.

< Pov Lance >

The room was dark, so dark not even my eyes could adjust to it. And not only that, the table I was strapped to was freaking cold. The Galra that carried me into the room had strapped me to a metal table in the middle of the room. Each wrist and ankle bound together by leather straps.

It's hard to say how long I've been in this room. Could be five minutes, twenty, or an hour. I haven't seen anyone since the guards brought me in so that Prince dude must have gotten caught up in something. 

Trying to shuffle a bit to get a feel of the restraints I end up moving my injured leg and since at the stinging sensation that cascades across my thigh. I humm to get my mind off of the pain when I remember a song from my playlist.

*Cough. Cough* Clearing my throat I decide to sing it so hopefully the other prisoner's can hear me.

"This is my fight song

Take back my life song

Prove I'm alright song

My power's turned on

Starting right now I'll be strong

I'll play my fight song

And I don't really care if nob…"

In the middle of my amazing singing the door to the room opens cutting me off as the light from the hallway floods the room temporarily blinding me for a moment.

"Well well well. Look who we have here. A paladin of Voltron. One of the Great Legendary Defenders." A man speaks as he walks into the room. Sarcasm evident in his voice as he speaks, also with a strange british accent?

As the man walks in he flicks a switch on the wall turning the lights on in the room. Light falls upon the man, it was the same one that I had bumped into in the hallway earlier. He had long white hair and piercing yellow eyes that over powered the slight purple tone of his skin.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am.."

"Yeah yeah Prince Lotion or something like that right? Well cut the formalities and get to the point ya purple popsicle looking ass" I cut the man off not caring for his introduction.

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