hand on waist.

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After the fight, Liam and Zayn brought Harry into bed. He slept ever since, I looked after him a couple of times, and it seemed like he had a bad dream, because he talked about someone leaving him forever. and than he freaked out, punched and kicked around. It was 9 o'clock already and I had to work tomorrow, The boys were downstairs in the theatre - that's what I call the movie-room - and watched paranormal activity 4. I hated that movie, it seemed so real. Anyways, Camila was coming over in an hour, she planned on 'living' here until her 3 month winter break was over, and since it recently started she was going to be here for a long time. But it was cool with me, I mean she was my best friend, and we planned on living together a long time ago. Plus, she was like Mama Direction, which sometimes was amazing, because nothing would get out of control but sometimes she could be freaky too, which was most of the time.

Oh, and the boys said I look gorgeous with my hair this color, which gives me some more confidence. Since I had to work again tomorrow, I wouldn't be home till 3 in the afternoon so I had to wear something comftorable. I settled on some black and white themed leggings, a black oversized sweater, a grey scarf, black pearl earrings, and matching black Uggs.

The doorbell rang and I hurried downstairs, I didn't want Harry to wake up. I opened the door and saw Camila standing there, out of breath, behind her a huge suitcase. "Are you trying to move in all in all?" I asked her, smiling. She didn't say anything she just hugged me tightly. "I haven't seen you in a long ti- what happened to your hair?" She asked me, I motioned her to come in. "I died it", I giggled. "You like it?" I asked her, posing like some wanna-be model. "It looks amazing!" She said putting down her suitcase. The boys joined our little reuinion. She hugged all of them, but Niall gave her the tighest, longest hug. Uh, okay then.

"So, what do you guys wanna do?" Liam asked all of us. We have just been sitting in the living room, talking to each other. I looked at the time, it was 11:02pm already and I had to wake up in 7 hours to get ready to work. "I don't know about you guys, but I have to wake up early tomorrow, so Im gonna go to bed. Good night babe's." I said, going around kissing everyone's cheek and hugging them. "Night love", all of them said at the same time. I smiled at them. I loved those people so much. I made my way upstairs and went into my room. I put on some Ed Sheeran and took all my clothes off and changed into a oversized ' I ♥ ONE DIRECTION '. It was huge on me. I turned the music off and went into my bed.

Suddenly before I even had the chance to finally sleep, someone came into my room. All I saw was curly hair, Harry. I was so confused. He didn't knock, he didn't talk, he just came and laid next to me. I acted like I was asleep, but my breath was unsteady and I wasn't relaxed for some reason. For a while he just laid next to me, his breath was steady, I could feel the heat coming from his body. It felt so.. right but wrong at the same time. He started moving closer, and I could feel him turn to face me. He moved closer and closer, at some point I could feel him put his hand on my waist. As soon as he touched me there were shivers dancing up and down my spine. I just feel asleep with him so close to me.

- Harry's point of view. -

I wasn't sleeping, I never did anymore. After I beat Marc's ass, because he deserved it talking about Delilah like she was a object, Zayn and Liam took me to my bed. I wasn't able to walk on my own anymore, not because I just got into a fight, it was because I didn't want to, I felt guilty, I knew that Delilah wouldn't look at me the same way again. She probably thinks that the only reason I fought Marc was because he called me 'Pretty Boy'. Of course that stuff get's me heated, but the real reason was that he was all over Delilah, and than starting shit with me. Ever since the boys left me in my room to 'sleep', all I thought about is how I could make everything okay again, because I knew Delilah was dissapointed at me right now. She came into the room every 20 minutes to check on me I guess, and every time she came in, I acted like I was sleeping. Then I heard Camila's and Delilah's voice downstairs, so I assumed she came over - or I was just going plain crazy. After around what I assumed was 2 hours, Delilah came upstairs, humming our song 'Taken'. She went straight into her room, put on Ed Sheeran 'Be like you', but after a time she turned it off, I hoped she was going to sleep. It was my chance to make things right without the others around. I waited a few minutes and tipy-toed all the way across the hallway until I reacher her room. I overheard the conversation of the others, I assumed they played 'Truth or Dare', that was like.. our bands game of all times. I finally reached the door of Delilah's room.

So many thoughts were running trough my mind, what would I say if she's still up? What should I do when she's asleep? I was so scared to do the wrong thing. I carefully opened the door. The room was dark so I assumed she was asleep already. I just stood there, seeing her beautiful face in the moonlight. I slowly started to move, dropping myself on her king bed next to her and just laid there, breathing in the smell of her hair, her skin and her clothes. She always smelled like strawberries, vanilla, just like her, it's hard to explain. For a few minutes I just laid there, taking advantage of the moment.

I loved being close to her more than anything. My emotions just took over me and I started to move closer, loving the closeness. I moved even closer and put my left hand on her small waist. I put my head closer to hers and she was facing me, I could see that her eyes were closed and her breath got steady. I fell asleep in that position, so close to her, it seemed unreal.

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