I want to die it all red.

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After we got home, Lauren let for work once again, and I made chicken nuggets and french fries for the boys. "Oh my god, yes Harry. Deeper!" I got woken up by someone moaning those words. I realized it was Louis yelling. I got up and walked into the direction the noise was coming from. I saw the boys sitting in a circle in the movie-room. Yes, I had a movie-room in my flat, Lauren and me didn't use it much, we always watched movies in the living room, but it was still nice to have. My Godmother paid for everything I owned, after my mum died of cancer, and my dad commit suicide because he couldn't handle life without my mother, she took care of me. I see her as my mother, since I didn't have parent's since I was four. She was a wonderful woman, that tried to make my life the best of the best, she, herself lived in a huge apartement in Berlin, Germany. 

I slowly walked towards the room, scared what I might be seeing. Because, yes I believed that Larry Stylinson was somewhat real. I saw all of the boys sitting in a circle, Louis laying on the floor, moaning. I sighed in relief. All of them were laughing at Louis' noises. I walked towards them, Liam and Niall saw me first and shot me warm smiles, I gladly returned it to both of them. The other boys didn't even realize I was there till Louis sat up like a normal human being and waved at me. I awkwardly waved back. "Why was Lou moaning like that?" I asked Zayn, who just broke down laughing. "I dared him to do it." Niall said, with a proud tone in his voice. "Okay, that's just awkward." I said, sitting down between Liam and Niall. "Don't worry, he does it every night anyways." Zayn said,holding in giggles. I laughed, well more like snorted. Very attractive Delilah, very attractive. Liam just joined me, note to self - thank Liam for de-activating the awkwardness. I shot him a thankful look and he smiled widely at me. "So, you're joining our li-" Niall said, getting cut off by my phone's ringtone. It was my Godmother, Susan. 

"Hey Delilah." She said cheerfully. I got up and left the room, I don't like talking on the phone when friends are around, especially the boys, they have the skill to make it awkward. 

"Hey Love!" I said, just as cheerful as her, I loved that woman. She was my 'Superwomen'. 

"I got good news!" She almost yelled into the speaker, I flinched. 

"Tell me already, women." I said, jokingly. 

"I have a new boyfriend!" She said, I could hear her smile. I was so happy for her. The last boyfriend she had for a year just didn't treat her the way she deserved to be treated. He cheated on her, was never there for her, cursed her out all the time, he was just an arsehole. 

"Oh my god, who is it?" I asked her. 

"Remember Kevin, that owns the Hotels in East Berlin?" She asked me, I could her voices in the background. Kevin and her have been friends ever since High School, I always told her that he loves her, but she never believed me. They were just meant for each other. 

"Yeah, Mr. Perfect? I told you you guys were meant for each other, stupid!" You must understand, she was very young, only 36. She took care of me, ever since she was 18. 

"Yeah, I know. I know. Well, I just wanted to let you know. I gotta go, we have a date in 10 minutes." She said cheerfully. Once again, she made me smile. 

"Aw, how cute!" I yelled into the speaker, "Well, get your man!" I said. 

"Byeee!" She said before she hung up. Kevin was 37 years old, buff, had blue eyes and brown hair - which I absolutely loved, he was the nicest guy I ever got to know, he is pretty tall and a very good boyfriend. I was happy for them, I knew Kevin would take good care of her. 

I looked at my phone to see what time it is, it was 2:47pm already, and I had a appointement with my Hair Stylist at 3pm. I ran into the movie-room, "Gotta go guys, got a appointemnt with my Hair Stylist. I love yoooou!" I said, it sounded like the whole sentence was just one word. I ran out, leaving 5 confused boys behind. I grabbed my keys of the dinner table, put on my Uggs, quickly pulled my bag over my shoulder and ran outside, my phone securly in my hands. There was snow everywhere, I loved it. I ran to my car who was parked at the very end of the parking lot of the building. I slipped, almost fell but was caught by a parked car. I sighed, not today and not now. Im always a danger magnet. I decided not to ran again, I walked to my cream white VW beatle, not to brag but I absolutely loved my car. I had him, yes he's a male, ever since I was able to drive, which was for like.. a little over a year. Anywho, Susan gave it to me when I turned 16, so I would have a motivation to get my license with 17. 

"There you are, Boo." I muttered under my breath as I unlocked the car. My boots were full of snow. I didn't care, it was 2:58 already and I only had 2 mínutes to drive across town to the studio. I turned on the radio, Ed Sheeran was playing. I sang along, even though I can't sing, at all, even Zayn told me that. I was there at 2:08, which was pretty good, but I absolutely hated being late. I got out of Boo, my car, locked it and ran into the building. I literally tripped into the Elevator, I could feel eyes watching me. I pressed the button to go up to level 29, and it took the Elevator a long time to go up there, which got me upset. I know, im weird. When the Elevator, which I cursed out, decided to finally stop, I was ready to kill someone. I ran into the studio. My Stylist, Maurice was flirting with some guy. Yes, Maurice was gay, but that made me love him even more, he was just amazing. 

I coughed, interrupting his love-scene. He looked at me, looking excited. "Hey Delilah, love. Just sit down over there, I'll be with you in a second." He said, pointing at a comforable looking chair in front of a huge mirror. There was a window right next to the mirror that reached from the ceiling to the floor, I could see it started to snow again. I looked out the window for a while. 

"Delilah, you look amazing!" He said, clapping his hands like a child. I giggled and thanked him. 

"So, what made you come here today?" He asked, getting his brushes in order. This was a big descision I made, but I wanted to die all of my hair red, yes red. Since it was darkbrown now, I was scared im was gonna ruin it this way. "I want to die it all red." I said, staring at my reflection in the mirror, picturing me with red hair. I played with the keys that I was still holding. Maurice looked at me, his eyes widened. 

"Dang Girl", he said, picking up a huge brush, "You sure will look amazing!" He said as he started to untangle my hair. This should be fun.


Important note ; Guys, I changed Delilah to Ariana Grande. I think she suits the character better. Picture of her on the side. Hope you guys still like it. xxxx 

Hey dollies, last time I checked I had 111 reads. You guys seriously rock my world. I wasnt able to update for a while because my parents took my laptop. But I will update 3 more chapters tonight, because I couldn't do it that night. 

Hope you guys like this chapter, I know nothing very exciting happened but I promise, the next few chapters will be interesting, - wink -. 

Im so not in christmas mood over here, are you? I want it to snow so bad! Which is probably not gonna happen, but I have the right to dream. Hehe. 

Hope you guys like the story so far. (: 

- Love, Mama Doll. xxxxx

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