aaaaaah, important.

66 1 2


54 freakin' reads, I love you guys so so so so so so much, thank you so much, dollie's. ♥ 

Let me know what you think of the story so far, okay? I'll update 4-5 chapters tomorrow, depends if im gonna have a social life tomorrow or not, haha. Oh, and thank you so much for the 2 votes, to whoever voted - THANK YOU SO MUCH, it means a lot to me. 

Guys, I know I said ill update one tonight, but im so exhausted from work, that all I want to do it sleep and sleep and sleep - Im a volunteer at a therapie center for children with dissabilities, we work with horses, it's like horse therapie. And we have to walk a mile 3 to 4 times, leading the horse and taking care of the children, so ugh, im exhausted. Im so sorry guys though.

I can't believe I got 54 reads, 2 votes and 1 comment ! That makes me sooooo happy!(: 

But seriously guys, you need to let me guys know what I could do better or what you like - don't like about the story, so I know what to continue doing and what to improve. Okay? Okay. 

Oh my god, it's christmas time, my favourite time of the yeeeaaarrrr, and than it's new years eve soon, and argh, this year was going by so fast! Especially because I learned so much more english and had to make so many decsisions. Yes, I am from Germany and moved to the United States 17 months ago. I turned 15 in October, and yeah. Hope that's enough information, if you have any questions, about Germany or about myself, feel free to ask, okay dollie's?

But oh my god, 54 reads, im so happy, you don't even understand, I was freaking out when I saw that number, thank you for each and everyone of who's reading my story. 

I love you guys soo much,

p.s. - don't forget that I really apprecaite every single read, so if you enjoy the story, vote it, comment on it, all that good stuff, okay? Thank you very much, 

Auf wiedersehen, Püppchen. 

Good bye dollies. xxxxx

.- momma Doll(: 

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