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Thank you so much for the 140 reads, it means so much to me guys. If there's anything I can do for you guys, let me know. 

Oh my gosh, it's christmas in americaaaaa right now. Merry christmas and happy holidays. Hope you have an absolutely amazing day, beautiful. Let me know what you got for christmas this year in the comment's maybe? The next chapters will be longer, just because I feel like writing more because I have 2 weeks of break, yay. Picture of Camila is on the side. :*

Okay, so I plan on doing my uploads like this plan : I will ask you for a certain amount of votes or comments, and when we reached that amount, I will upload 2 chapter's. I probably won't get any votes but I still hope I do. But, if I don't reach them in one week, I'll upload anyways. I really, really hope you guys can get those votes in. Anywho, Merry christmas and happy holidays, Dollies. 

Let's try to get 5 votes till Wednsday! :3

Nessa, xx. 

- Zayn's point of view. - 

I yawned, taking Niall's legs off of my body. My Grandmother called me early this morning, asking Cupcake - that's what the boys and I call Delilah, - to do her a huge flavour, which I agreed to do. I even called Cupcake's Boss and asked him to give her 4 months of free time to get things at home under control, of course he agreed, he said his daughter was a huge One Direction fan. Argh, im a great cousin - wink -. Now, the only thing that was left to do, was to wake Cupcake up and tell that she can sleep a few more hours. She's gonna kill me to wake her up just to tell her that, but whatever. I slowly pushed Niall aside more, carefully got up and tipy-toed out of my room. I could hear the other boys downstairs, Liam was yelling at Lou because he was being too loud. I walked across the wide hallway and stopped in front of Cupcake's door. Well this is it, I had a great life, someone tell Lauren I loved her if I die doing this - I thought to myself before carefully open the darkbrown, wooden door. As soon as I entered, at the other side of the big room was Cupcake's king Bed. She  was still sleeping, her breathing was steady and her eyes closed. I sat down next to her and shook her softly. "Interrupt my sleep one more time, I will interrupt your fucking breathing." She muttered under her breath, turning towards me. "Morning to you too babe.", Yes I called my cousin Babe, nothing specil. "You can sleep till 11, you don't have to work today, okay?" I asked her softly, not wanting to piss her off even more. She raised her eyebrows at me but after a few second nodded and closed her eyes again. 

"Zaynie?" Someone yelled from downstairs, then ran upstairs loudly. "Zaynie?" He yelled again, "Where are you Zayn?" Oh god, this boy is so noisy. I got up, shot Cupcake a guilty look but it seemed she was sleeping already. "What the fuck do you want Lou? It's 8 in the morning!" I yelled at him after I closed Cupcake's door. This boy needs to learn how to be quiet. He flinched at every word I yelled. "I just wanted to know where the butter is.." He hissed under his breath. Argh, he's pissing me off so bad right now. "In the fridge maybe?" I asked him in a sarcastic tone. He nodded, understanding. "Sorry.." He said, looking at me guilty. "It's fine, sorry for freaking out, just a bit stressed out right now." I muttered in my oh-so sexy morning voice. He just jogged downstairs leaving me finally alone. I needed some alone time, so I decided to take a hot shower. I walked into the bathroom that was connected to my room and stripped my clothes off. I stepped into the running shower and let the hot water hit my skin. But my mind was set on only one thing, Lauren. Ever since we've gone official, she's been acting so much different. It's like she's a completely different person and it honestly scared me. For example, she hasn't even come home last night. Maybe she's met someone new. I picked up my shower gel and washed my whole body, got my other shampoo and washed my hair, rinsed the shampoo off and put conditioner in, yes conditioner I used conditioner, chill your boobie's. 

As soon as I stepped outside the cozy shower, the cold hair hit my wet body, making me have goose-bumps all over. I hissed under my breath, I forgot to get a towel now I was standing the bathroom, naked. Good thing the bathroom was connected to my room. So I quickly walked towards my closet and wrapped a black towel around the bottom part of my freezing body. I quickly got done in the bathroom, let my hair cover my forehead just for the occasion today. I walked into my room again, holding the slipping towel up. Niall was laying on my bed, looking at the ceiling. "You okay mate?" I asked him, stepping closer to him. "U-uh.. yeah. It's uh.. nothing." He muttered, making it so damn obvious he was lying. I raised my eyebrows at him and he looked at me, sorrow swimming in his blue eyes. "Uh-I-maybe-totally-fancy-Camila-but-can't-accept-the-fact." He muttered under his breath, playing with the covers of my bed making it look like it was the most interesting thing in the world. I raised my eyebrows, I knew it. "Okay, where's the problem? Hazza?" I asked him slowly, knowing the answer already. Niall nodded, proving my assumination - ha, is that even a word? I dont even know. Anywho, I just nodded at him. "We'll talk about this later, I gotta get ready now." I told him, he just nodded again. Im gonna be honest, Cami and him would make a great couple. When I was in my closet, I looked for something to wear. I decided to wear darkwashed skinny jeans, a gray fitted sweater, my necklaces of course. I stripped off my towel and put on my black boxers. I put on my outfit for today. I quickly jogged doewnstairs, realizing I only had 15 minutes to eat breakfast. Luckily, all the boys and Cami made breakfast for everyone. I got 3 pancakes with vanilla-icream (a/n ; you gotta try it, the pancakes have to be hot and argh, it's amazing. lol, kay.) , my favourite breakfast of all the damn time. Since I finally woke up for real, I was in a good mood. I hugged everyone and they gladly returned the hug. 

I sat down at the barstool and dived ino my pancakes. After I was almost done with them, Cupcake walked doewn the glass stairs. She was wearing dark-washed skinny, skinny jeans, a black tank top over it a creme colored, fitted cardigan, her black Jeffrey Campbells - that I bought for her as a present - her hair was waved lightly. "Damn.." Louis muttered under his breath when he saw her. Yep, my cousin is beautiful - it's because she's my cousin, duh. All the other's just nodded at his comment. "Hey pumpkin!" Cami yelled at Cupcake, making her smile widely. "Hey babe!" She yelled back, running over to her in those high heels - I swear she's superwoman. They hugged and Cupcake looked at me, "So, would you please let me now why I had to wake up so late and get ready?" She asked me grabbing a banana from the dinner table. I pulled my white converseon. "We have to pick Sammi up from the aiport, I'll tell you the details when we're in the car. Cami, want to come with u-" "I want to come with you guys!" Niall yelled at me, "Okay, Niall. So Cami, want to?" I asked eating Camila. She nodded taking a sip of her coffee. "Samantha, Sammi?" Harry asked with wide eyes. He always had a thing for Sammi, last time she was over he said he 'loved' her. Now he's all over Cupcake which pisses me off. If he hurt's Cupcake or Sammi he'll not have long to live. I just nodded and grabbed Niall and Camila on their wrists and dragged them outside. I could see how Cupcake kissed everyone's cheek and pulled her black purse over her shoulder. "Bye!" She yelled at them before shutting the door. "Zayn, Niall?" She asked me slowly. 

"Yeah?" Niall and I both asked at the same time. "Uh, you should probably disguise. Im sure there will be some fans at the airport." She said entereing the elevator after us. Niall and I nodded at each other. We pulled Cupcake to us, she almost fell Camila almost fell after her because she laughed so hard. We opened her purse and her eyes widened. Niall and I pulled out beanies and sunglasses. She just smiled. We let her go and she landed on Camila, yes they both fell, well this day should be fun. Niall and me laughed so much, my stomach already hurt very bad. Suddenly the elevator door opened, and the girls still layed there, obviously not able to get up. I picked Cupcake up and threw her over my shoulder, she yelled, punched, kicked you name it, she did it. I was waiting for Niall who was picking up Cami. "Damn", I whispered under my breath, seeing Niall going closer and closer to Camila's face.

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