Dressy, very dressy.

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Note, I'll be updating a lot the next few days, but still want only 5 itsy bitsy votes. I hope you had a great christmas and got nice presents :* I have a couple of changes made. 

I know I changed the characters a lot, but in the next few chapters, I'll post pictures of the girls. This chapter, Delilah is on the side. She'll still be presented by Ariana Grande, if that makes sense. I love you guys,  

nessa, xx. 

- Delilah's point of view. - 

After 6 songs, 25 minutes, 4 arguements between Zayn and Niall, we finally reached the airport. I practically jumped out of the car, locked it and ran inside. Camila was a step behind me and I could hear our heels over the stone floor of the airport. We reached the exit of the International Flights and waited for only one thing ; Samantha. Sammi - that's what we call her - and I have always been very close to each other. We lived right next to each other 16 years long and were together every day. We knew every single thing about each other, favourite color, crush of one direction, favourite jean brand all that unimportant stuff. I slipped my phone out of my back pocket to look what time it was, suddenly I heard a loud, piercing shriek, before I could even look up, someone hugged me crash-boning like. "Oh my gosh, Sammi!" I muttered into Samantha's hair. "I've missed you so much, Cupcake!" She yelled, probably making Granny's look at us. I giggled and than cried, I've missed her so much. All the memories we had together kept playing in my head like a movie. She pulled away, and I was finally able to breathe normally again. "Don't cry!" She practically yelled. This girl was always loud. I forcefully wiped the tears away and smiled at her. Suddenly she got pulled backwards, shrieking loudly once again. 

After Samantha got done giving all of us a hug, and me a second one because Im just fucking special - im just kidding, chill your beans. "Okay, now let's get your butt home." Zayn said looking down at Sammi. We all laughed at his oh-so smart comment. 

* 9:23pm, at Delilah's Flat. * 

"Okay, anywho. You girls have exactly an hour to get ready." Liam said standing up and putting the dishes from dinner away. "Oh my god!" All of the girls yelled and with that, we all ran upstairs. Sammi stood there, yelling on the top of her lungs. "Liam, dressy or casual?" "Dressy, very dressy." All the boys yelled back. With that, Samantha pushed me and Cami into her new room. Now, this will be a challenge - looking for dresses for all three of us. She cursed about the fact that she only took 3 suitcases with her, and no dressy things. All of us went crazy to find something cute for her that would actually match her personality. Suddenly she smiled widely at me, she held up a lacey and red short dress. It was lace on top to around the waist and from there it was this red flowy material, it was really cute and suited her bubbly personality. I nodded at her choice and Cami shoved us out of the room into her's. "I already know what you should wear, love." I said cheerfully and pulled her towards her closet, I showed her a high - low dress, it was in a galaxy like pattern, it was gorgeous with some black heels. She gasped, "Im definetly going to wear this!" She said happily, ripping the dress out of my hands. Now the biggest challenge of all, finding myself an outfit. We had 45 minutes left to get ready, so we had to be quick. I ran into my closet and looked around, I didn't have anything dressy at all. The girls stormed in after me, holding onto their dresses tightly. I twirled around, frustrated. Liam said it was going to be very dressy, I only had normal party dresses. Suddenly Sammi shrieked, making me fall against my door. Camila giggled at my face. Then Sammi threw a piece of fabric and my glittery golden Jeffrey Campbells Lita at me. I catched both of it - mwaha, it does pay of that I used to play volleyball. She smiled widely at me, "That is such a cute outfit!" She cheered. I looked at the 'dress'. 

The dress was really short and just black, it had a sweetheart neckline. "I am not going to wear this Sammi." I practically yelled at her. This little piece of fabric would luckily cover everything that needed to be covered, but it was still too short for my taste. "You will have to, we have to change if we want to do make up and hair." Camila said looking worried at the watch on her wrist. I sighed, and muttered 'whatever' under my breath. The girls left me to change and I did as told, I quickly stripped of my clothes and changed into the party outfit. I looked into the fullbody mirror that was hanging on the wall. I looked like a slut, but I didn't have the time to look for something longer. I sat on my bed, putting on my shoes. The girls just ran in, "We have 30 minutes to get ready, now get your ass in gear." Sammi yelled at me, I pratically tripped into my bathroom, leaving behind my two laughing friends. They quickly followed me and I did Cami's hair first, I straightened it, her make up was dramatic, I did her some smokey eyes and neutral chapstick on her lips. Next was Sammi, I framed her gray eyes with some brown smokey eyes and red lips to finish of her make up. She just left her hair naturally wavy. I had 10 minutes to do mine. I just did a quick winged eyeliner on top, mascara, a little bit of bronzer and my usual strawberry chapstick. 

We were all done and looked at each other. Camila's dress fit her perfectly, showing off her nice body and the heels made her taller than I was, which is crazy because usually im taller. She had a simple black clutch under her arms and a black bracelet around her wrist. Sammi's dress showed off her long legs and made her figure look amazing, her big heels made her even taller, yes I was the shortest one of all. "Aw, you guys look gorgeous." I said, smiling warmly at my two best friends. "So do you, pumpkin." Cami replied and Sammi nodded at her comment. "Thank you ladies. Now, mission is to get downstairs without breaking our necks or other bones." I said before shoving Camila to go first. She looked worried but managed to just walk down the first steps without any problems, then it was my turn, I walked slowly, I wanted to stay alive when I got down and Sammi did the same as I did, holding onto the wall. As we got down, the boys were standing in the kitchen, their backs to us, I stopped walking when I saw a certain Ginger standing there next to Harry. They were singing 'Moments'. Samantha coughed and all the boys turned to look at us, I gasped.

Teddy was wearing a plain white T-Shirt under a black fitted Blazer, he looked like Harry picked out his outfit. He was wearing dark washed jeans and white converse to finish up his looks. Harry of course, was wearing a white button up shirt tugged into his jeans, black blazer on black skinny jeans with a brown belt and brown dressy shoes. Niall was wearing a black fitted sweater, under it a white button-up shirt, with black pants and black high-tops from nike. Lili - that's what I call Liam, was wearing black skinny jeans too, white converse, a black, white & blue plaid button up shirt with a black fitted blazer over it. Zaynie, suprise suprise! He was wearing a black button up shirt, black skinny jeans, and black oxfords - my cousin looked actually really nice tonight. Lou was wearing red shirt over a black very fitted blazer that only had one button, of course it wad buttoned up and he paired it with black skinny, skinny jeans and black & white converse - he looked absolutely handsome. 

"Damn, you guys.." Louis muttered under his breath, walking up to us, followed by the others. He hugged me first, I sniffled in his scent, Lili was the next to hug me, he hugged me tightly and smiled warmly, he was always so friendly. Then Harry came, hugging me and rubbing my back while hugging me, making me smile. When he let go, he went straight over to Sammi and whispered something, making her giggle and blush, my stomach twisted. Next up was my little irish charm though, he somehow still managed to be taller than me even though I was wearing heels. Than, there was Teddy - I call Ed 'Teddy', because apparently that was his nickname a long time ago. He looked absolutely breathtaking, I've never seen him like this. He smiled warmly and pulled me into a hug, I breathed in his wonderful scent and a thousand butterflies were dancing in my stomach, it was an amazing feeling but scary at the same time, I didn't even know him. I was the only one he hugged that way, he only introduced himself to the other girls and gave them a quick hug. I smiled at the thought of him treating me special. 

"So, we have will be going to get dinner and than go party." Niall said in his adorable irish accent, not breaking eye contact with Camila, I was screaming inside. Those two have to date, by midnight. "You look stunning." Someone whispered into my ear, shivers were dancing up and down my spine, I turned around and was shocked.

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