"you're not allowed to go inside, Miss." I heard Yewon's voice outside my office so I stood up to open my door.

A woman with her sunglasses that almost cover her  face greeted me. Yewon was grabbing her arm, trying to stop her.

"Oh, Miss Jung. I am glad to have you here in my Cafe." I greeted her with my fake smile.

Her jaw tightened as well as her hold to her bag.

"what brought you here?" I asked crossing my arms on my chest.

"may I come in?" she asked

I roamed my eyes around the cafe and fortunately no one noticed her. She's wearing a dress, with her heels, a sunglasses. Wow, she looked so fancy yet no one dared to look at her? Shame on them.

I opened my door widely. I saw Yewon glared at me but I just shrugged. I'm so overwhelmed that eunha jung visited me. It's been a long time isn't it?

"so? How can I help you?" I asked when we sitted on our seat. She's sitting on the visitor's seat in front of me.

"aren't you done seeking for fame?" she spoke. She removed her sunglasses and put it on my desk. "you kept on tailing jungkook from our college days, until now." she added

And you're still desperate to catch his attention. But I held back. I should remain calm and classy.

"he's living his life peacefully for four years then you came in the picture again, you're pulling him down because of this issue. So better break up on him now."

I leaned on my chair without breaking our eye contact.

"how can I break up with him, if we're not together?" I asked calmly

I saw a glint of surprise in her eyes.

"you better get your facts straight before coming here, Miss Jung. Or you didn't have time to think straight because you panicked that you might lost jungkook?" I clapped my hands. "oh, he's not yours in the first place."

Her eyes became sharp, and her jaw tightened. I smiled inwardly. She's losing her patience.

"then, why are you together?"

"why do you want to know?" I asked back.

"because I'm his f-friend." she stuttered.

"if you're friends, why not ask him? Why do you have to go here just to asked this question? Missed me?"

He brows furrowed and she clenched her fist. "stop being sarcastic!"

My brows shot up when the tone of her voice rose.

"you're always getting in my way, ruining my chance and I wish you should have just died in that accident!"

I stood up from seat and slammed my palms on my desk. The glass almost break, she gasped and covered her filthy mouth.

"you have no idea what I've gone through." I kept my calm. "It's not my fault if jungkook was never interested in you, it's not my fault that you're desperate that you end up wishing someone to die. Seriously, how cruel are you?"

Her eyes starting to get red while her hands were shaking.

"I wish I died that day too. You want to know every detail?" I challenged her. "my mom was depress because my father has another woman, she ended her life and days after I saw you kissing the man I love!"

She looked down. "I-I'm sorry..."
She hurriedly took her bag and her sunglasses before walking out of my office.

I found myself shaking in rage as I glared at the door she just walked out.

My knees tremble and I sat down on my chair. I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe to kepp myself calm.

Should I just accept that I will never be happy as long as I live?

She doesn't have any slightest  idea how I want end my life. I hope it's that easy.

I winced when I felt my palmed ached. It has a blood from a very small cut.

"you don't have to go to work tomorrow. I can handle the cafe." I heard umji said while she putting a band aid on my palm.

I came home safely. I have scratches in my arm because some reporters grabbed me, I almost punch one of them.

"wow, future owner." I smirked but shre remained serious.

"and stop pretending that you're okay. How many times do I have to tell you that you're not alone? You have me that's why you moved in with me, right? You have moonbin, you have friends. Please learn how to lean on us too."

My eyes widened when she started to cry. She covered her face with her hands and cried harder.

" H-hey.. "I tried comforting her

" It's hard to see you fake a smile in the morning after you cried all night. It's hard to sleep peacefully when im overthinking, that you might end up like your mom. "she said in between her sobs.

"i hope I can lessen the pain you're feeling.  I wish I can transfer some of them to me. I wish I can see you laugh truly..."

I hugged her tight and stopped myself from tearing up. It's my first time seeing yewon cry. She never cried when she's breaking up with her boyfriends, when she cut her finger while trying to cook.

" please, lean on us. Be happy. Be free."

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sinkookstories: short stories about sinkook

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