Chapter 32

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'Sheeshhhhh! Thank fuck finals are over. School's out!!!!!' Kerrys screams out as Theia kicks open the school doors.

'Not quite. We've still go our art project to hand in.' I say, walking toward my car.

'You know Mr. Dyme is going to give us all ninety percent for that. He's as high as kite most days. We don't actually need to hand it in, he'd never notice.' Kayla puts her bag in the boot of my car.

'Thanks for giving us a lift home, my car is still in for repairs.' Kayla says to me.

'It's alright, luckily Shay's going somewhere with Luna, so there's lots of space.' I reply.

'How's everything between them?' Kerrys asks. A few weeks ago, Shay hinted at trouble in paradise between her and Luna but whenever I've tried to come back to it, she's brushed me off and said it doesn't matter.

'Well, they've been spending a lot more time together, so I'm assuming that whatever bump in the road they had has been resolved.' I shrug.

'Good. They're so cute together.' Kerrys shrieks.

'Meh.' Theia says, getting into the car.

'Meh? What do you mean "Meh"?' I ask.

'Luna's just seems a little... clingy.' Theia replies.

'Well I think she's nice. You're just jealous because you've fucked it up with Luca.' Kerrys says.

Theia looks out the window. 'Have you still not spoken to him?' Kayla asks.

'No. I think that ship has sailed. He fully avoids me now. But that's fine. Summer's out, so on to the next one, right?' She shouts out, unconvincingly.

I think it's time for some match making to happen and who better to scheme than the Queen herself - me!!


After dropping everyone off, I finally make it home. Slumping onto my bed, I reflect on a tough year. Aside from my art project, school is basically finished. I started the school year single, with a ex that had cheated on me with Bitchley, then met the most God like creature I've ever seen before in my life. Throw in a few parties, outfit changes, and murders and this is has to be up there with the craziest year I've ever had. But I wouldn't change any of it for the world (asides from the deaths of course) because it led me to Kree and meeting Kree was the best thing that happened to me. Speak of the handsome devil, my phone buzzes and I smile instantly, knowing who it is.


Hey beautiful


Hey handsome


How was your last exam?


It went better than I thought it would.

I've still got the art project to hand in but besides that I'm done


I'm glad to hear that

I'm still yet to see this art project of yours...

Did you pick your muse?



I'm handing it in at the end of the week

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