CHAP - 30

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Olivia's POV

Posh!! That's what I thought as soon as I stepped into the restaurant. Even with this beautiful gown, I felt so out of place. I did not Belong with these people. Everyone were dressed beautifully. All of them pretending to be the happiest and nicest people when in reality they will drain anyone out of their wealth if they were given a chance too.

I found my parents and Jack waiting for me in the waiting lounge. Taking a deep breath and then rolling my eyes at my parents and lovely brother, I walked forwards.

As soon as Jack noticed me, he stood up and walked over to me.

"Good eve-" I ignored him and walked towards my parents. I looked at them bored.

My mother eyed me up and down. Disgust evident in her face.
"Have you not have a better dress than this Olivia?" she asked to which I shrugged. Keep your calm Olivia. You are doing this for your babies.

I looked at my mother. No matter how much of a Witch she was.... She was beautiful on the outside, never on the inside.
I was never close to them. It was always me and my grandma until she cut my ties with her. I loathed my mother for that. My grandma was the only constant in my life that kept me happy. It was like my mother took away my rights to be happy.

"Ladies. It's time for dinner. Let's not fight about this. I am pretty sure Mr Stone has arrived and that he has no time to waste. And please don't show them how much of a dysfunctional family we have." My father said. Ha so he talks.

We walked to where I believe Mr Stone and his son were sitting at. I couldn't see the son's face since his back was facing towards me. But his head looked familiar.

We walked to where they were. I kept my head down, wanting to do nothing with this crap.

"It's a wonderful evening isn't it Mr stone?" I heard my dad say to which the other guy replied.

"Meet my wife, Rosa. My son, Jack" My dad said as he introduced them. I dreadfully waited for him to acknowledge me.

"And lastly meet my daughter Olivia." I finally looked up. To see Mr Stone looking at me. He had a cold expression and man he looked scary.

I put on the fakest smile I could muster up and pulled my hands out shaking his hands.

"Olivia. It's a pleasure to meet you sir."I said to which he gave me a small smile while replying with a likewise.

Pleasure my butt.

" I would like you to meet my son Owen Stone. The CEO of the Stone Enterprises." when he said that my head shot up to the other figure that was already looking at me with disbelief. It was indeed Owen. Wait... If this is Owen as in Old Lani's son Owen, then this man must be the man who broke my Old Lani!!!! I quickly shot a small glare at his father who was oblivious to my death stare.

My parents and Jack shook hands with Owen before they sat down.

I was in between Jack and Owen. Owen looked at me questioningly.

I took my phone from my clutch and without anyone noticing it brought it under the table and opened the dms.

OK..... So you are the guy I'm getting forced to marry?

What I did not want to beat around the bush.

Wait marry?!?!

He looked at me shocked. Ok so nobody told him?

Yea. That's why I am forced to be here!! I though you knew.....

No!!!!! Oh My Gawd!! What do we do?

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