Chap - 2

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Olivia's pov

After 2 hours of practicing, I decided to call it a day and dismissed the kids and adults.

I and my children were walking towards my car when some of my students slash younger friends called me from behind. I turned around to see Liam running and then tripping.

'Look Riv, Liam tripped " Ocean said as she and River started giggling.
"Kids. Don't laugh at someone who fell." I said and they nodded mumbling a sorry. Which made me smile. Aren't they the cutest?

"Anyways. Olivia, there is a party held by some students from age 17 - 21 And we are going, U should join us." Leo, Liam's brother told.

"Guys. I'm 22 and old. And a mother of two?? And aren't u guys 16?? Why are u guys going." I asked, u could tell that my mom was mode on by now.

"Sooo. We are just 1 year younger. And wait. U are 22???" Liam asked. Shocked.

"Yeah. I am 22. But boys. How am I supposed to come?? I mean where will the kids stay?? They can't come to the party... " I said as I looked at my kids who were already playing stone, paper, scissors.

" Old Lani will take care of us. " Ocean said. Wait I thought they wer-

"Yeah. We will stay with old Lani. She bakes!!!!!" River said overly excited.

"Yeah. See that problem is solved and u are coming with us" Adam. Another one of the stupids said.

"But guys I'm one year older than 21," I said.

"Ohhh no one cares about that. " Jacob said
"Plus u are hot" Luke blurted out. While Harry scolded him. On a totally unrelated note, Harry is that one kid in the group that's normal and helps me calm these dumbos. The Dad of the group.

'OK. Then. I'll join u guys." I said and the boys cheered.

"Do u guys need a ride home?? " I asked them and they declined.

After telling our byes. We went home. I closed the door and turned to my children.

"What do I wear?? " I asked.

*****time skip******30 minutes before the party******

"Don't u think? It's a bit too showy??.... " my very overprotective son asked scanning me.
"Nooo, it's not. Mommy looks wowie. " Ocean squealed. Sometimes I wonder if they are the elder one or me......

 Sometimes I wonder if they are the elder one or me

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We heard the door open. And I knew that it was the boys because they have an extra key. the kids looked at each other then at me.

"Mommy. Hurry up!! " Ocean said as she and River held my hand and guided me downstairs.

As soon as I stepped the last stair the boys started staring at me.

"What?? ", I asked them.

"U look howt woman. If u weren't like a big sister to me. I would've probably hit on u. " Liam said while harry hit his head.

"U can't hit my mommy!! " River said running and kicking Liam. While I smiled. Who needs an overprotective boyfriend or husband when u have a cute little son who is more overprotective.

It's always been like that. I don't know if River knows I'm going through a lot. He's been very overprotective since the time he could talk and walk. I know, unbelievable but my son is like that. Both my twins are more matured than any 5-year-olds, mentally. I mean one time when I was really sick. They went to Old Lani's place crying. And Old Lani came and made food for us. And when she left the kids were pretty serious in giving me water or my medicine and not making me move out of my bed.

"Olivia. Are u listening?? We have to leave now!" Jacob said and I nodded.

The kids have already worn their backpacks. Filled with their clothes and toys and some treats. Ready to crash in at Old Lani's house. Oh well.

I dropped the kids at Old Lani.
"Remember Old Lani. They are supposed to be in bed by 8:00. And pls don't give them any chocolates for dinner and Ocean's having a small cold. So no ice-cream after dinner. And- u know what it's a wrong idea. I'm not going to the part-'' by Luke and Liam dragging me out of the house and old Lani shutting the door.


Hi guys. How ya doin??

Hope u liked this chap.

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