Chapter 33

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I was at the hospital with tohru. I hadn't eaten or slept since she fell down the cliff. I hadn't even seen Haru.

"Am I allowed to let Uotani and Hanajima up to see Tohru?" Hatori asked.

"Sure I said anyone but Akito and Kyo." I whispered. He stepped out and I looked at tohru who had gone in and out of being awake and asleep.

Uotani walked in and she came over to me.

"So Haru liked his gift." She told me. I had her give it to him the next time she saw him in class. "You know the hospital can take care of tohru right?"

"She's my only family left I-I don't know what I would do if she died. I don't want it to be like a case with mom where I didn't get to say my goodbyes." I whispered.

"I get that I never got to say goodbye to her as well but everyone misses you including Haru. He's upset that you haven't really eaten." She whispered.

I walked down the road to a nearby corner store where Kisa and Hiro were. I didn't want to talk to them but luckily Hiro saw me and avoided me.

"Big sis Y/n how is Tohru doing?" Kisa asked while holding a small snack.

"Sh-She's fine you know how tough tohru is!" I laughed while trembling from how weak I was. She gave a small laughed and Hiro looked like he wanted to say something.

"You know you should really see Haru he misses you like hell!" Hiro yelled. Finally all the emotions I had been bottling up spilled out. I collapsed on the ground crying.

"Hiro you made her cry!" Kisa yelled. I went back up to the hospital and saw Akito. She looked incredibly guilty. She saw me and how weak I was.

I walked back up to tohru's room dragging my feet as I went and when I opened the door she was looking out the window.

I tripped over my feet as I hugged her and I began crying. She was crying as well. I ate my food I got for the two of us to share.

"How's Haru doing?" She asked.

"I haven't spoken to him since you gotten in here." I whispered.

"You should call him." She told me. I nodded and clicked on his number. He picked up right away.


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