Chapter 13

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"Hey I'm back!" I yelled as I came in. Tohru gave me a tight hug. When she pulled away I noticed a bandage on her cheek. "Tohru what happened?"

"I just tripped don't worry." She laughed. "Would you like some breakfast?"

"No I ate at Haru's before I left." I giggled. I looked at Kyo and gave a small wink to him. He was clearly confused and seemed to understand after a minute.

I sat down with everyone and began drawing something random.

"Summer is just around the corner are you guys excited?" Shigure asked.

"Oh yes I am!" Tohru laughed. I shrugged and Kyo kept looking at me. Kyo tapped my shoulder and motioned to follow him. I followed him in front of the door and he seemed upset.

"So you know about my true form huh?" He asked. I motioned that I kinda knew and kinda didn't. "Listen that's not what I wanted to talk about. I accidentally hurt tohru out of my own selfish actions."

"I kinda guessed you did. But you seemed upset so I didn't want to make you in a worse mood." I whispered. He smiled and lightly punched me in the arm.

"You're pretty cool. But it was Haru who told you didn't he?" Kyo laughed.

"More like Haru and Momiji. I saw kagura this morning while walking back she seemed upset at something. I know you don't like her that way but I just thought I would let you know." I told him.

He walked past me and I grabbed his arm again.

"It's alright to have feelings for tohru." I whispered. He was blushing and I went inside to make myself some tea.

When I sat back down Shigure narrowed his eyes at me. What was he doing.

"I can't tell if you're plotting something or being a pervert." I told him. Yuki gave a smile while Kyo was just standing at the front thinking still.

A time to be with you (hatsuharu x reader)Where stories live. Discover now