Chapter 18

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"Hell yeah first day of summer break!" Haru yelled. Tohru smiled at him as we walked to this place Momiji told us about.

"Ooh is this kinda like a date for you two?" Momiji asked.

"No cause you guys are here!" I whispered. Haru put his head on my shoulder as we walk trying to convince me. "Fine we'll get dinner after this just the two of us."

Haru cheered as we went up the escalator. When we got the the floor it was one Tohru and Momiji looked genuinely terrified.

"Tohru maybe we shouldn't do this." I laughed nervously.

"Yeah come on let's just go home!" Kyo yelled. She turned around and slammed her money down. "It's not my fault if any of you get hurt."

Tohru tried to close her eyes but it just didn't work out. I ended up just holding her hand but she could still hear them. I looked at Haru and he put up his thumb.

"Just make up stories for them." Haru said. Tohru turned around and we stopped at one guy.

(I'm not writing all that out you know the story if you don't, tough luck)

Haru ended up breaking the neck of a kimono demon animatronic and I fell over laughing. Kyo did not find it funny and more annoying than anything.

"You guys are gonna have to seriously pay for that!" The manager told us. "Especially you!" He then pointed at Haru.

Momiji told him the whole story and I started laughing again. Haru tried to cover my mouth bit it didn't go well.

The guy ended up being touched for some reason and let us go without making us pay.

"You owe me a date come on!" Haru laughed. "I'll drop her off she'll stay at my place who knows."

It was still too early for dinner so we decided to get some cupcakes. Haru paid for them and when we were done with them we decided to go to his house to play video games.

I ended up falling asleep at about 8pm in his bed and I woke up at about 11pm to Haru getting into the inside of the bed while trying to not wake me up.

"Go back to bed it's just me." He whispered. I nodded and he started playing with my hair.

Kyo's point of view

"She's gonna spend the night. You should know your sister by now with him." I grumbled.

"Yes I just don't want her to end up like kana with the eye thing with Hatori." Tohru whispered.

"Yeah doubt it though it seems like your sister can hold her own. Didn't your mom teach her anything?" I asked.

"Heh yeah she liked my kindness and she didn't want to damage that. But with Y/n she seemed to be relaxed a little she taught her how to fight and not to take any crap from anyone." Tohru laughed.

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