"What's with the smile?"

He cocked his head to the side. "You. You're smiling about something, not sure what though." He leaned down to kiss my cheek. "Though you were staring in my direction so I know you were looking at my sexy ass." He pulled back and winked at me. "Literally."

My jaw dropped. Was I really staring at his as the entire time? Well, he was sexy as hell and he was all mine, it was only right for me to stare at him, I was going to marry him after all.

His laugher carried through the hotel lobby. "Let's go, Sades, we've gotta get on the road if we want to make it to the realtors office in Orlando before they close. I really don't wanna stay at another hotel tonight if we don't have to."

Neither did I. Even if we slept on the floor in the new place, it was better than a hotel. It would be ours. Our first home.

I was still smiling as I wandered into the bright sunshine morning. Jasper was loading the trunk with our overnight bags. I stood in front of the car as he came around. He shook his head when he saw me.

"Still all smiles." His curls swished around his head as he bit his lip, grinning. "For someone who didn't get much sleep, you're a very happy person this morning."

It was true, I was very happy this morning. I had good reason to be. "Well, we are after all on our way to our first home together. Official home, that is. It'll be a place that's ours! Not mine, not yours, but ours." I closed my eyes and sighed blissfully. "It's a nice feeling."

Jasper's arms came around me then. His familiar scent encasing my senses, bringing me further into contentment. I felt him place a kiss to my temple. "It's a wonderful feeling."

We got intro the car then. I watched as the hotel faded into the distance before turning ahead, looking towards my bright future. Our bright future.

Jasper reached over to take my hand and I curled my fingers with his. He was the greatest comfort I was ever going to find. I was ready for the next phase of our lives to begin. It was coming so soon, I just had to be patient for a little while longer.

Jasper, as usual, picked up on my thinking. "If you can be patient enough to learn to walk again after the accident, you can be patient for a drive to our new home, Sades. It's not going anywhere and neither am I. We'll be there soon enough."

Soon enough was not soon enough for me. I put my feet on the dash, crossed my arms over my chest and closed my eyes. Maybe I'd be able to sleep the journey away, wake up and start my new beginning. Just maybe.

I managed to sleep for most of it. Jasper work me up just as we entered Orlando. The sun was setting which brought the most glorious oranges and pinks to the sky. It reminded me of home. Maybe my new home and old home could share some beautiful characteristics.

"Just like what we see when we're on the trail, don't you think?" Jasper asked me. I was so in awe I couldn't answer him though I think he took that as an answer in itself.

The smile that broke out on my face couldn't be contained even if I tried. There was a reason Jasper and I connected the way we did, we read each other well, knew what the other was thinking. We were two halves of a whole person, we were meant to be together.

"It's scary how well you read me sometimes, Jas! To know what I'm thinking like that, it's mind-boggling at times."

He laughed in response as he took my hand, pulled it to his lips and placed another kiss upon my skin. "It's part of why we're meant to be."

It Will Always Be Us (Always #2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon