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•。.:-◦:—:. ♤ .:—:.◦-.:。•

Yet another night of tossing and turning, something Minhyuk is very used to but it hasn't happened in a while. He's aware of how he basically forced Changkyun out for the night and he has absolutely no problem with it but man does he hate sleeping in an empty place. Every time there's a moment of silence he can promise there's a sudden noise somewhere— mainly the kitchen or the bathroom and that never fails to scare him.

  That's not the only thing keeping him awake there are many thoughts causing his lack of sleep; sleeping alone, Jooheon, the new job, Jooheon, his birthday, Jooheon. Earlier he told Minhyuk he was hanging with his friends and Minhyuk couldn't help but worry about how that went.
  'It shouldn't be like this,' he thought to himself,
'I shouldn't be afraid of how someone's hangout with friends went.'

In an effort to distract himself, he grabs his phone and looks through every app he owns. He wasn't looking for anything in particular but he did find something good— a green dot just beside Jooheon's username showing he was online. Without much thinking he clicked and began typing away.

are you awake?
or did you fall asleep with the app open?

  Not long after the messages were marked as sent, three dots pop up bouncing up and down and Minhyuk unknowingly sits up in his bed, anticipating the response from Jooheon.
    His eyes didn't move anywhere but the screen, he forgot everything around him. It was like the things he was worried about suddenly didn't worry him anymore. All because of three little dots.

  The response is taking a little longer than Minhyuk expected then suddenly the bubbles disappear. He starts looking over the entire screen but mostly at Jooheon's online status which still shows that he's on.

  Just as Minhyuk is about to start typing again, a large picture pops up on the screen and much to his surprise, it's Jooheon requesting a video call.
  His heart begins to beat rapidly and without realizing, he sits up completely and starts moving his hair around trying to style it in a way that didn't make him look like a mess before answering.

"Hey, Joo."  His voice was much lower and raspier than usual and even though he would never say it out loud, it was on purpose.

"Hey Hey. So you can't sleep either?"
Jooheon asks. His voice was the complete opposite of Minhyuk's, it was higher and upbeat. When he said he couldn't sleep, Minhyuk assumed he would have seemed tired but the phone call indicates otherwise.

    "Nope." He responded

"What's got you down so bad that you can't sleep?" He thinks about what to say for a moment before responding. He doesn't want to come to strong about what he's observed from Jooheon's friends and he doesn't want Jooheon to worry about his other reasons for not getting sleep.

"Nothing, just can't sleep. You?"

    "Same." Jooheon responds hesitantly and Minhyuk notices. He wants to ask how the hangout went but he also doesn't want to make things awkward. It's a common question right?

"Well hey, why don't you come over? We could watch a movie or something. It could help you sleep," he asks quicker than Minhyuk could.

  It's like Jooheon has powers, every time Minhyuk is upset or deep in thought he says something that gets the older into a much better mood no matter how long he's been feeling that way.

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