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As they were walking down the sidewalk to their usual karaoke spot, it was as if Minhyuk was seeing everything for the first time. Every time they passed a building, Minhyuk noticed things he didn't before; the art on the side of the restaurant, the plants that wrapped around the side of the building, even the lights hanging from the roof of the smallest cafés. It was as if he had become a stranger to a city he's known his whole life and today he just opened his eyes to the beauty around him. He has viewed the city from afar but he never realized how beautiful it is up close.

The moment he turned to see where his friends were after realizing he wasn't beside them is when he realized is that he was in fact saying everything he was thinking out loud. His friends were looking curiously at Minhyuk who was practically skipping down the sidewalk but Minhyuk only looked forward once again and said nothing.

"You're in a good mood today," Changkyun said abruptly. His hasty tone was enough for Minhyuk to assume he's had that thought lingering in his mind probably from the moment Minhyuk arrived at the apartment.

He knows Changkyun is probably confused because Minhyuk has to admit, he was acting stranger than most days today. There are multiple reasons as to why he seems so happy at this moment but it's mostly because that was also the most honest and open he's been with his dad since the day of the accident.

He would be lying if he said that was the only reason but after Changkyun asked him that question the other day, he isn't too sure he wants to share and give his friend another reason for him to believe Minhyuk likes Jooheon as more than a friend.

"Did something happen while you were out?" Changkyun continued his thought still just as curious as before.

Minhyuk lightly shook his head only his face was giving away more than he was. He didn't know the way his eyes were glistening or how his already wide smile somehow got wider, showing the happiness he was trying to contain. Something else did happen while he was out and that something made him realize things he didn't notice before but the last thing he wanted to do was talk about it. So he didn't.

The rest of the walk was silent but Minhyuk wasn't dumb and the two other boys weren't exactly subtle by the way they were watching Minhyuk with their eyebrows scrunched and the curiosity in their facial expressions. Even though he knew they were curious, Minhyuk didn't say anything. Instead he just walked with a smile he still didn't realize he had.

When they finally made their way inside the dimly lit room, Hyungwon breaks the abiding silence with a question, much to Minhyuk's surprise because he spoke louder than usual. "Did you see something?"

Minhyuk completely understands Hyungwon's confusion just as much as Changkyun's. He hasn't shared much with Hyungwon but called him to help calm Changkyun's nerves while Minhyuk was out. Seeing Minhyuk being the complete opposite of how Changkyun previously felt must be strange to see.

Despite his understanding, Minhyuk still didn't give an answer because he knows once he does, once he says it out loud, there's a chance that the feeling of happiness he has will fade sooner than he wants.

"Did you see someone?" Changkyun asked in a mischievous tone and Minhyuk looked up slowly, his eyes meeting with Changkyun's. He figured Changkyun was gonna find out even without Minhyuk telling him because just as Minhyuk could read Changkyun like an book, Changkyun could read Minhyuk the same way. Even then, just like with the other questions, he didn't deny it. He simply stayed silent.

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