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     Empty bags of chips and juice packets cover the table along with plastic from the ice cream Minhyuk brought along. The sun was peaking through the window, highlighting every bag on the table and some crumbs from the chips.
     The sun reaches Minhyuk's eyes and they start to open. Before they can, he feels a warmth that was all so familiar. His eyes open and he looks around but his head doesn't move an inch. Finally, he looks to the side and sees Jooheon's head on his shoulder, 'This is the warmth,' he thinks to himself while he inhales. Every time he sees his face, he becomes more and more aware of his features and how beautiful he truly is. His long straight lashes, his smooth nose, and his soft pouted lips. He knows he should look away but he can't—there is something so captivating about his face Minhyuk can't quite explain.

    A few seconds pass and he still finds his eyes going back to those pursed lips, that is until those lengthy lashes start flickering and his eyes open. Quickly, Minhyuk moves his head away in effort to make it less obvious he was staring.
    "Morning." He spoke with his voice still hoarse while lifting his head. The second he does, Minhyuk's shoulder immediately gets cold. There's nothing more he hates than that feeling.

   "Morning," Minhyuk responded, trying his very best to sound like he just woke up a few seconds before him.

    "Wow, we made quite a mess," he chuckles as he turns to the side stretching "But hey, it worked. We fell asleep."

    Minhyuk lets out a soft laugh and nods, "Thanks for this. Hopefully after tonight we can both sleep without making a mess on your coffee table." He says but he the moment he does he wants to take his words back because honestly, he would love to do it again.

    "Yeah, hopefully." He responded softly. "If you do need this, just know i'll gladly do it again. My door is always open for you," They look at each other and Minhyuk nods again. Even from a distance between the two, Minhyuk could see the colors dancing in his eyes.
Just like on his way here, he feels his heart beating rapidly and tingles in his chest, making it warm. Stop

"I should clean this up." Jooheon says as he stands up from where they previously sat on the floor.

        "I'll help." Minhyuk insists, grabbing the nearest empty bag of chips and putting the other trash inside. He doesn't realize how fast he's actually throwing the trash away until his name is called but even when his mind is telling him to stop, his hands keep moving at a speed that matches his heart beat.

    "Minhyuk," Jooheon calls out while grabbing the bag in the older's hand. He looks up at the hands that are close to touching his then reaching Jooheon's eyes, "Happy Birthday."

    Two words. All it took was two words to make everything stop. 'Crap', He thought to himself the more he felt the way he heart was beating out of his chest.
    "Thank you." He finally managed to get out the words and quickly moved his eyes around the room to avoid further eye contact.

    "Do you have plans today?" The younger asks while leisurely taking the bag from Minhyuk's hand.
He thinks for a moment before answering but he knows even if he did have plans, they wouldn't be doing much. Besides, last night with Jooheon pretty much covered the usual plans.
"Nope, Changkyun is busy with work today then he's helping Hyungwon out."

    After tossing out the trash and wiping the table, he turns to look at Minhyuk while leaning on the counters in the kitchen. "Can I take you somewhere today?"
"Sure." He answered quicker than he ever thought he would because for once, he didn't even have to think about it.

    "When are we leaving?" Minhyuk asks, still trying his very best to not let their eyes meet again.

"How about a few hours? Just gotta get showered and change."

    "We're going to be out really early huh?"

    Jooheon laughs again and Minhyuk only looks back at him confused. "You woke up before me and didn't bother to check the time? It's already 1pm."
    "1PM?" The older asked visibly confused and shocked.

        "Are you still up for it or was the time a deal breaker?"
"No, no, it's fine. I just didn't know it was that late. Let me just go back home and shower."

    Jooheon's eyes widen and he stands up straight, "You can shower here. We know you can fit my clothes so you can borrow them if you want." He smiles at the younger giving a thankful look and a nod. He likes having a friend there for him but at times he feels guilty. Jooheon is there for him so often he feels like he is always receiving but never giving.

    They get ready pretty quickly and finally head out walking. There is something so calming about walking instead of driving, the warmth on his face and the breeze in his hair. Minhyuk has always been a fan of walking rather than driving and it's not because he doesn't have a license, it's because walking gives him time to think and appreciate the little things around him. That's how he discovered his special places.

The first few minutes are silent while they walk. The air outside feels so fresh and clean, it's bright but still cool enough to walk around. There are lot of colorful lights around the town Minhyuk never really noticed until now. He knows they're there normally but he never realized he could see them close up after only seeing them from the hill only slightly.

Suddenly, the face of the man walking beside him came into sight. Without knowing, a smile crept on his face and his eyes suddenly met with a pastel blue box with a cute dark blue whale sticker on the side in his hand.

"What's with the box?"
"You'll find out later," The younger answers once again in a smile. Minhyuk smiles back, showing his dimples as well.

"Okay, fine, where are we going? You seem to have at least an idea of what we're doing."

"Well, I heard there is a festival in town so I wanted to take you. Neither of us are from this area so I figure maybe we can walk around and discover new places."

"And...?" He replies after hearing the tone of the younger's voice. He knows he has more to say.

"...And I was thinking maybe we can find a new special place that's... truly ours." Jooheon speaks quickly in the same way he did when they were on the hill and Minhyuk can't resist the urge to smile. "Not that the hill isn't ours, your words not mine, but I mean a place we discover together." He continues on and the smile on Minhyuk's face only grows.

He finally got the courage to respond but the second he started to, those words didn't come out.
"Let's start our discovery, shall we?" Jooheon nods and they practically start skipping down the street. They look around and even though the sun is still out, the lights are still making the day brighter.
With smiles assisting the sun in bringing light to the day, they continue on with their walk casually stopping to buy a few snacks. Beginning of a long day.

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