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A sigh escaped his lips as the first thing Minhyuk did when he woke up to start the day. All he could do was lay there and stare at the ceiling in complete darkness.

Last night was one of the best nights ever but today is completely different. Today he was going to visit his father by himself and this is the first time he's ever done so. Changkyun usually goes with him but Minhyuk decided it was time he visited alone.

Even after making the decision, it's hard for Minhyuk to get up and start the day because once he gets up and starts getting dressed, everything becomes real. Even though this has been reality for 16 years now, he can still feel the pain like it was yesterday.

He just wants to avoid reality for a few more minutes. He wants to close his eyes again for just a few more minutes but once he does, his phone buzzes across the room causing Minhyuk to wake up and check the notification.

joobee 🐝:
good morning
thank you for yesterday
have a good day today too
i'll give you something else to add to your special lists as you've done for me

As he read the final line of the spam of messages from Jooheon, Minhyuk immediately smiled and he already felt his day getting better and his heart getting warmer. It's the same feeling he gets at his special place he shared last night and he really enjoys that feeling.

good morning jooheon
have a good day
thank you for letting my share that place with someone
i'm glad you were the first person i showed

He was hesitant to send it because he didn't know if what he was saying was too much but he sent it anyway because it was the truth. He was scared of the feeling of trust he had towards Jooheon but he also liked be able to trust someone else.

After the message was delivered, he turned off his phone, took a deep breath, turned on the lights and went searching through his closet for an outfit to start his day after that boost of energy.

Although today wasn't necessary a happy day, he wanted to dress in bright colors to offset the mood. He went with a pastel pink sweatshirt and light blue jeans with white shoes and opened his room door to his best friend standing at the counter with the same hoodie from the night before and his rounded glasses on his face.

"Are you sure you want to go alone today? I can go with you if you're not ready," Changkyun offered the moment Minhyuk stepped out of his room and the older man nodded slowly in response.

"I'm sure. If I don't go alone soon, I don't think i'll ever be able to. Besides, we're meeting up afterwards. Right?" Minhyuk spoke, trying to keep his mood up but fact is, there were still so many emotions swirling around in his body that he didn't even know what he felt.

"Yes we are," Changkyun gave a soft smile before handing Minhyuk an iced americano. "But Minhyuk, you don't have to go alone. Don't feel forced to do this. It's okay to have someone with you but if you really want to go alone, just remember i'm just a phone call away. Call me if you need me. please?"

"I will." Minhyuk smiles reassuringly at his friends caring nature.

Not a day goes by when he isn't extremely grateful for Changkyun. He has always been the most consistent person in Minhyuk's life and he really appreciates that. There were moments when Minhyuk felt lost but Changkyun always helped him find himself when those special places weren't enough.

"Tell him I say hi?"

"Of course."

With that, he finally left the building. He'd be lying if he said he didn't feel weird going by himself when he's had his best friend with him every time but he really felt like this was something he had to do.

He finally walked to the bus that was taking him to his destination. It was almost completely full but Minhyuk found a seat towards the back of the bus besides a dark haired girl. He hates sitting close to strangers but he hates standing in the bus more.

After about twenty minutes on an overcrowded bus, they finally reach Minhyuk's stop. The closer he got, the heavier Minhyuk's body felt and his steps became slower. The closer he gets, the more he becomes overwhelmed with memories. Some memories he wants to keep, along with others he wants to forget.

Instead of remembering the bad, he becomes solely focused on the good. The times they laughed, the games they played, the movies they watched. His dad was his best friend. Minhyuk looked up to him in every way; he was handsome, smart, funny, passionate. All things Minhyuk wants to be.

Minhyuk lost his dad when he was 8 years old. He was at home already saddened by recent events when his mom told him that he lost his dad to drunk driver. It was the first time Minhyuk ever felt alone, the first time he ever felt true sadness. After that day, he felt his world falling apart slowly everyday. He began to lose people so often that he decided to stay clear of making new friends. That was until he met Jooheon. A guy that Minhyuk couldn't deny, a guy that makes him smile, a guy that helps him without knowing.

He finally arrived at the an empty lot of dead grass where an old cafe he and his dad used to go to everyday on this day used to be. There were two tree stumps where he and Changkyun usually sit when they go there but this time Minhyuk placed a watch and a pair of glasses onto one of the stumps. Both items belonged to his dad, they were the only things he had left of him.

He came here every 24th of October to talk with him. Of course this wasn't the only time Minhyuk spoke to him but this day was different because today marks 16 years without his father. Minhyuk comes to share everything that is going on, rather it's things going on with him or with Changkyun, he always shares everything with his dad like he has always done. He doesn't want his dad to feel the sadness Minhyuk always feels on this day so even though he's sad, he wears a smile on his face so his dad can see him being happy whenever he visits even if its not genuine.

"Hi dad," he spoke as he sat on the tree stump. "I'm alone today but Changkyun wanted to come with me. I just asked him not to this time. He says hi though." He pauses every time he says something because he really misses his dads voice and he feels that one day he'll get to hear his voice again. But he never does.

"Changkyun is doing well. He and Hyungwon are in a good place and they even have promise rings. It's nice to see him so happy and in love," he smiled as he speaks but the smile quickly fades when he realizes he is once again waiting for a response he won't get.

"I'm doing well too. I made a new friend. His name is Lee Jooheon, he's really nice and funny, I feel like i've known him forever. I want to bring him here one day... to... meet you." His voice got lower the more he talked but this time he couldn't even fake a smile.

A few minutes after that were spent in complete silence. Nothing but the sound of the wind blowing against the other trees in the area. He didn't want to speak anymore. He couldn't stop waiting for a response.

Turning his head in the direction on the tree stump with the glasses and watch resting on it, Minhyuk took a deep breath and closed his eyes as he exhaled. Tears rolled down his cheek in a silent cry Minhyuk had let out.

"I miss you," his voice broke.

"I miss them too," he spoke again.

He finally opened his eyes to the same stump. As he kept his eyes on the objects Minhyuk stands up and walks towards the stump. Slowly he grabs the watch and looks at it for a bit, thinking of how his dad wore the watch everyday. Everywhere he went, he had that watch on, so Minhyuk opened the clip of the watch and wrapped it around his wrist and wore it on his left hand like his father and just looked at it.

Soon after, he sat again but this time he sat where he had previously placed the two objects, one of which he is now wearing. He began to speak to his dad again, telling him about every little thing going on in his life. He cried at times but honestly it felt refreshing to let everything out; to not hide anything.

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