chapter 19

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"Can I see?" Ellie ask

"Look” I replied back and give that note to her.

I looked at Ellie face she looked scared. I ask

 "What happened?” No reply.

 I snapped and asked once again

"What happened? Why are you so lost?”

"This outhouse is not safe we should run out of this place otherwise we are...." Ellie answered

"You are right after this note I think it's not safe to stay here but are we taking Finn's body?" I whispered

"I don't think we can't, even if we did Naveah will come find us anyway. It's dangerous to take Finn's body with us" Ellie said nervously

I didn't say anything after, I felt so sad from inside when I was looking at Finn's cute face. Tears came from my eyes and I couldn't help it. Ellie taped on my shoulder.

"Everything will be, you just need to be more confident. We came so far and we can't quit". Ellie said politely

"You are right! I can't let myself down, thanks for motivating me"

"That's what friends do" Ellie smiled

"Let's go"

I opened the door to see if anyone is there but it was all clear. We both came outside, started looking way out from this place and I saw Axel, Fiona coming towards us.

"Fiona! Axel!" I yelled

Before I walked towards Fiona and Axel, Ellie stopped.

"Why are you stopping me to go?" I ask

"Because they are not who we think they are. They both are mesmerized, and they came here to trap us so she can complete her aim." Ellie said sadly

"I can't help it, I just can't see my friends in this condition it makes me cry. I feel so helpless right now" I cried

"Hey Adam! Please don't give I know who it feels. I told you before we have to stick together and fight also be strong. We both have to become each other strength which makes our bond strong and no one can break it not even Naveah. Will you?" Ellie said

Ellie grabbed my hand and gave me a cute look which made me more confident. We both hold our hands tightly and left from there. We came back to the city. It was getting dark, suddenly wind started blowing, and we could see anything not even each other faces. I hold Ellie's hand so we won't get lost.

"Adam! I see light" Ellie yelled

Ellie and I followed that light and record near to the building, it was hotel where we are staying in. Then we entered and went to our room.

"Ellie I think you should get yourself freshen up"


I sat on the couch my face on my hands, thinking about Fiona, Axel and Finn. Tears were coming, I feel like to hug someone and cry but I have to be confident. I felt someone kept hand on my shoulder, I looked and it was Ellie.

"Still thinking about what happens today?"

"Yeah! I can't concentrate on anything beside that"

"I am hungry let's go eat something but before go fresh up and change then we'll go" Ellie smiled


When I came outside I see Ellie ordered food and waiting for me to come. I sat on the couch and we watered eating. After we finished we both decided to how to get Finn, Fiona and Axel back.

"Tomorrow is our important day." Ellie said

"Yeah! And I think we should take rest after what happen today. Good night!"

"Good night" Ellie replied

I hear bird making noises, people started going to the work and cars are back on track. I opened my eyes, it was all sunny and cloudy. Today was our important day of our life. I got up and freshen myself. After I came outside my eyes went on Ellie's face. She was looking so cute while sleep, I smiled.

Knock! Knock!

I went to open the door. "Sir, your breakfast" wait said. "Thank you"

"Ellie get up its 7o'clock and breakfast also here" I yelled

"Good morning!" Ellie smiled

"Morning. Now let’s go, we have to leave as soon as possible". I replied


After 30 minutes, Ellie comes out of the washroom and sits beside me on the couch. We both started eating.

It was almost 7:30 am. We both finished eating and left from the Hotel. We took the same bus and stopped at the bus stop. From there we walked to spiritus 66. It was all decorated with bones and there were faces made on pumpkins and they were gleaming.

"Why is it all decorated?" I ask

"It's spiritual day; well for Naveah. She calls it “Her day” where she is going to take everyone souls and make herself more powerful" Ellie sigh.

Suddenly, the day started getting darker.

"Oh god no" Ellie mumbled

"Why it's getting darker?" I ask

"As I told you it's spiritual day, the day will get shorter so Naveah can take over the souls. We have to hurry" Ellie said nervously

I didn’t say anything, instead I obeyed Ellie’s order.

We ran where everyone bodies were. I saw Naveah doing the spell. He was glowing with dead people flooring above her.

"Oh shit. I have to stop her doing this". Ellie look nervous

"But how?" I ask

"I need to find a spell. This is the spell if I say this loud then Naveah won't be able to take over the soul". Ellie replied

"Okay hurry before she get powerful" I said


"Why it's not working?" I ask

"I don't know why it's not working it's the right spell" Ellie confused

On other hand Naveah saw us standing she was coming towards us closer and closer. Ellie started shaking and dropped the spell book.

Naveah came close to Ellie and said

"THE SPELL FAILED" and laughed voraciously.

2:45 A.M: in the basement.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang