chapter 14

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Yeah- yeah, whatever”. Said Axel

Fiona and I laughed. Suddenly I received a text from my mom,

Hey, Adam I’m going to be late okay? I hope you’re doing okay, and call your friends if you feel lonely. But don’t cause any trouble otherwise you’re grounded.

Okay, I can buy that. If Lauren can have a sleepover why can’t I chill with my friends? I turn to them, “all-nighter?” Axel and Fiona smiled and jumped up yelling with glee.

Axel put songs on speakers and the volume was max. I didn’t care whether the neighbours get pissed off because what’s life without fun. We three were dancing and jumping around like monkeys. The music that is playing is exstasy by DJ- Mtr. Really great beat to it.

“It’s the best night ever”. Said Fiona jumping

“Yup it is”. Said Axel excitingly

I was too busy jumping and screaming just to respond. This is the perfect escape to get the scary stuff that happened today. Why am I even thinking? I shook my head and went to kitchen and yelled across the room.

“Who wants to bake cupcakes?!” Fiona ran from the living room to the kitchen, “Ooh! Me, me, me!” and Axel followed, but whined “Oh, I hate baking.” I laughed and Fiona rolled her eyes. “Aw, little Axel Wexel afraid he’ll go kaboomy?” Fiona teased to Axel.

“How about,” I suggested. “We have a little competition of baking great cupcakes. However wins he gets to dance with Fiona.”

Fiona blushed, and Axel devilishly smiled.

“It’s on.” Axel said over a husky voice.

“Aw, I wanted to bake cupcakes but oh well guess I’m just going to chill and watch T.V while you guys bake me cupcakes.” And she left the kitchen and ran to the living room.

Axel and I looked at each other, “Let’s do this.” We both said. We ran to the cabinets and got what we need. “I’m doing red velvet!” I yelled. Axel yelled back, “I’m making whatever I make!” We got the mixing bowls and the things we need to make cupcakes. Axel was having some difficulties, I was laughing to the core. This is a competition and no one helps another. I poured all my ingredients in one of my large bowl and started off smoothly. While poor Axel is yet still having troubles with the ingredients.

While the cupcakes are in the oven baking, I can smell the sweet scent of the vanilla added into the cupcake. When Axel is still working on the base. I started on my frosting. I did vanilla frosting with chocolate sprinkles. My cupcakes are done, and took them out of the oven. I put them on the cooling rack to let them cool down so when I take them out I can easily put the toppings without making a mess. This also gives Axel the advantage, his cupcakes are still baking and he’s working on his toppings.

Five minutes are up and they have finally cooled down, which means I put my toppings and my sprinkles. Axel is frosting his cupcake now, and he put on rainbow sprinkles. They look nice since I don’t want to be mean they look okay.

Now it’s time for Fiona to taste our cupcakes.

“The cupcakes looks tasty. Well! Let’s see who wins this competition”. Said Fiona excitingly

Fiona walked towards me and said “Yum, they look delicious. It’s a cute combination of red velvet with vanilla.” She tasted and said “They look delicious also taste delicious. I am impressed.”

Next was Axel. Fiona walks toward Axel and looks at the cupcakes, they were not bad not even good. They were okay.

“They look, umm okay not bad but I hope they taste good.”  She tastes the cupcake- “Well, they taste pretty good but I think added more sugar in it. Said Fiona desperately

2:45 A.M: in the basement.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora