chapter 16

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My phone rang. It was Axel. He yelled "Yo! Get ready, Fiona, me and Ellie are going to McDonald's and we're going to walk there." I rolled my eyes because the way he said Ellie's name "Yeah, sure I'll be on my way."

I grabbed my keys and jacket and walked out of the house. I arrived at Axel's house, from there we walked straight to Fiona's house. Axel and I was walking and having conversation about random stuff. We approached to Fiona's house and we knocked on the door. The door opens and it was Ellie. She looked really tired.

"Fiona they are here let's go." Ellie said it in a fatigue voice

"Okay coming, hold up." Fiona yelled

Fiona came running down the stairs. "All right, let's go!" Fiona said

All four of us walked to McDonald's. Fiona walked towards me and started talking, then axel went back to Ellie and they were talking about how there day went. While me and Fiona were talking about hunted house.

"Fin-ally we are here, dude I am seriously starving, let's go hurry up guys!" Axel complained

"Ok ok you go order for yourself and we will be there." I said

Axel ran into the McDonalds. We sat on the nearest bench.

"Go get me Oreo Mcflurry." Ellie yelled

"All right." Axel yelled

After 10 minutes Axel brought food for all of us and he came sat beside Fiona. Ellie shouted out "yeah my Mcflurry, thanks Axel."

"No problem, anything for your sis and you. I mean you." Axel said romantically

Then Ellie and I oooo'd, and Fiona started blushing. On other side Axel was looking at Fiona like there was no one else around only her. After we finish eating, we came outside. Ellie and I were walking front and axel-Fiona behind us. Ellie purposely nudged Fiona towards Axel, it was just adorable moment. They were looking into their eyes. I sigh- "I wish it was me and Ellie," I thought

We arrived to Fiona house. Suddenly Ellie fell unconscious and fell in my arms. "Ellie!" Fiona and I yelled at the same time and she ran towards Ellie. I picker her and took inside the house. We went to her room and I laid her down on the bed. Axel called the doctor immediately. After 10 minutes doctor arrived, he checked her.

I ask "what happen to her doctor?"

"Don't need to worry, she is fine. I think due to not getting enough sleep she fell unconscious but health wise she is fine just need to get rest."

"I'll take care of her." Said Fiona

"Thank you doctor" said Axel

It's been an hour, Ellie still didn't get up. We all were sitting near to her. I was so nervous that I couldn't think of anything besides Ellie. "OH JESUS, PLEASE WAKE HER UP."

Ellie's eyes shot open and yelled "THEY ARE HERE!"

All of us got confused and said what? "Who?" said Fiona

"Them! Them!"

"But who?" Axel asked

"The souls!"

"What? What are you saying?" I said confused

"The souls. They all are coming to get you guys, to take away your souls so they can last of long." Mumbled Ellie

"How do you know?" said Fiona

"Because I study about souls and I am a psychologist!" Ellie said in aggressive tone

"Ok. ok, we don't judge you its ok, tell me. I will listen to you. But please calm your self down."I said patiently

"Why didn't you tell me before?" Fiona asked like she's about to punch a wall.

"Sorry Fi, I didn't even have time to. I get distracted easily even you know that." Ellie replied while laughing.

"So, Ellie. Can you tell me who's coming and why?" I asked calmly, I know it had to be Naveah and Finn.

"Its's them!--" Ellie almost finished her sentence but I interrupted

"Naveah and Finn?"

She got up and pointed at me, for that is the right answer.

"Yeah! Yeah! Them! How do you know?"

"Because I've met them."

Ellie's head slightly tilted in confusion, I continued.

"Naveah was a spirit all along, that played the role of being our best friend. Finn on the other hand heard some noises in his basement, we thought he was crazy. After we visited the house, like two days ago; it was horror. Long story short, we don't know how Finn got into this."

Ellie looked down for a moment then looked back at me, "She did it." Ellie mumbled.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Naveah was a spirit from the start. She was born in a place called Spiritus 66, which is latin for of course; spirits. But, I don't know what does the 66 stand for. However, she would go around and steal people's spirits and gather it all in her, which makes her powerful. So, moral of this brief explanation, she took Finn's soul. And the only way to get it back is to get it from her, which is impossible."

"How the heck are we going to do that?" Axel asked with a shrug.

"We have to go get Finn's body, which is in Spiritus 66, it's dangerous. No one can make it out alive, no one." Ellie replied.

"Where is Spiritus 66?" I asked, Ellie gave me a uncertain look.

"I know. And, if you want to go take me. I have a book that has spells; in Latin, and I know I can read it."

Before Fiona could speak up suddenly something broke our window. We went up to look, and it was rock. We all gathered up in a circle to look at it. I picked it up to see a really, weird kind of writing.

"Et tu, et domus patris tui amici moriturum." It was in a really weird font.

"What the crap does this mean?" Axel yells out.

"What? No way, that's impossible, that can't happen" Ellie mumbled, and threw the rock out of my hand through the window.

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"Because that was a death note from Naveah."

"What did it say?"

"You, your friends and your family are going to die."

Axel and Fiona looked at each other then looked towards Ellie. Ellie's eyes meet the ground. I'm clueless. I reach for my phone and called my mom, no response. I called Lauren, no response.


I was going to say something but before I could say anything I heard knocks on the door. I was going to open it but Ellie stopped me.

Behind the door, we heard faint singing.

"Knock, knock I'm in front of your doorstep, might as well open it I just want to play a game. A game of hide and seek,"

"What so now she's a 5-year old?" Axel chuckled and Ellie slapped his arm.

"So hurry up and run. 3,2,1..."

It was quiet.

We trade glances to each other, when we heard bangs. Then we heard a voice, it was deep and horrifying at the same time; but in a low harmonized voice.

"I know you can hear me, but it's too late for you to try and run away~"

We all stood silent.

"There is no need for to ask permission~"

Ellie's eyes widened.

"1... 2... 3..." Naveah counted again, but in a forward verse.

It was quiet once again.

The door broke open and came out Naveah laughing like a maniac.


2:45 A.M: in the basement.Where stories live. Discover now