chapter 17

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Fiona and Ellie screamed, Axel startled and I stood still.

 “You girl, I don’t want to hurt you doll. You better back off it’s none of your business.” Naveah said in a polite tone.

“But from now it is also my business and there is no way I am backing off. You can do whatever you want, but I am not leaving my friends in this situation. You got that?" Ellie yelled.

“Aw! What a lovely friendship. Friends forever, never getting back together, and they will die forever. BHOOM! Hahaha!”. Suddenly she disappear.

“Dude whatever happened right now was that all true or I am just dreaming” Axel sounded so scared

“It was all reality” I said

Before Axel can say something, my phone rang and It was Lauren so I immediately picked up, “Hey Lauren, are you alright? I ask

“Yeah I am fine. Why are you so worried? Is everything alright?” Lauren said.

I sigh “Nothing, I had a really scary dream that's why. By the way where are you?” I asked politely.

“well! I am on my way home”.

“Lauren just stay wherever you are I’ll be there to pick you up. Okay!” I said it nervously. Before Lauren could say anything I hear her scream.

“Lauren! Lauren! You there? Lauren!” I yelled

“AD-AM!" Lauren screamed

Before I could hear anything the phone disconnected. I fell and sat on bed. My eyes got filled with tears. “Adam” Ellie said. “What happened? And who is Lauren?”. “She is my sister and I think Naveah kidnapped her”. I said

“What!" Axel, Fiona and Ellie yelled.

“That means she is kidnapping everyone one by one soon she will take our family to spiritus 66”. Fiona said nervously.

“She is leading way to her success soon she will take over everyone's souls but she can’t the souls before spiritual day which is next week”. Ellie nodded

“We still have 5 days left and we have a chance to get everyone souls back. Then what we are waiting for, let’s go”. Axel yelled

“But how we will go to spiritus 66 it’s really far?” Fiona ask

“We’ll take aeroplane. What you guys say?” Axel asked.

“Yeah that will be good and we will reach on time” I said

(Note: skipped the traveling part)

After 15 hours of traveling we finally reached Viper X; place looks scary. The place is empty too, wonder if anyone has ever come here.

Of course, who will?

 All four of us were so tired, so we stayed at hotel for tonight. There was only one room left and we were four. And there wasn’t another hotel nearby. I asked Fiona and Ellie what they want to do. Fiona said

“It’s okay with us, it’s only for tonight. We can manage it”.

Ellie chuckled and said “Yeah and we are friends not strangers just book that room”.

“Okay, if you both are okay with this decision then we don’t have any problem”. I said

I smiled and said “We’ll take that room”.

Then, the worker showed us our room. He didn't say anything but gave us a death stare like he wants to try to kill us in our sleep.

"Here." he said in his deep voice and walked away.

We entered in the room and it was pretty big. First we all freshen up and relaxed. Then we order dinner. After eating we all were feeling sleepy so I told Fiona and Ellie to sleep on the bed. Axel and I took our couch and slept there. Next morning, I heard door knocking. I kicked Axel to see who is there.

“Ouch! What the heck. Why would kick me?” axel yelled

“Sorry can you check the door please” I replied

Axel gets up and opens the door. It was waiter who came to give morning tea.

“Who is there?’’ Fiona got up and ask

“No one just a waiter”. Axel replied

Fiona gets up and go to the washroom to take a bath. Then axel went. After axel Ellie goes to the washroom and I was the last one to go. After we all got freshen up, we ate.

“So first we have to find spiritus 66”. Ellie said. She brought a map of Viper X. Everyone started looking for spiritus 66. It’s the smallest part of this place we have to look carefully. On other hand Axel was on his phone playing games. “it’s good if you help us find spiritus 66 rather than playing on the phone”. I said

“Dude that’s what I am doing. I'm searching spiritus 66 and you know I always do easy way not long way. And there is good news that I found spiritus 66”. Axel said in a attitude

We all sat near to Axel and he actually found. Ellie looked over the map and checked carefully where this place is what way we have to take so Ellie explained everything.

“Well, Axel found it so that means tomorrow morning we’re going to check this place out—“ Axel interrupted, “Sorry sweets, but aren’t we supposed to go at nighttime?”

Ellie smiled and gave a slight nod, “Yes, if we do go at nighttime without gear then we’re done. As in,” she traced a line across her neck. “In the morning nothing really happens, it’s rare. Although this place does seem gloomy and disgusting but Spiritus 66 on the other hand is downright scary.”

Fiona was looking down the ground and Axel had his eyes on her the entire time, my eyes were on Ellie. Ellie turned her gaze to me, continuing her talk.

“So tomorrow, any time in the day get ready. We have an adventure facing us.”

We all looked at each other with determination and we went off to our rooms.

Lauren, mom and dad. I’ll get you back.

2:45 A.M: in the basement.Where stories live. Discover now